View Full Version : Drag and Level Wind Definitions

23-09-2007, 11:44 AM
Hi Team.

Waht is leaver drag and level wind all about.

Why is large emphasis placed on these two aspects on overheads?


23-09-2007, 06:45 PM
Lever drag allows for the use of 1 big drag washer against the spool face plate. Where star drags use multiple smaller drag washers.. So generally lever drags can pull a bit harder.

and level winds are used so your line doesn't get bunched up in the middle of your reel.but aren't a "Must have"

23-09-2007, 07:42 PM
Lever drags are also a bit easier to use if you are a newby to overheads. Star drag reels have a star shaped nut under the cranking handle that you adjust. It is generally a fine thread and if you are fishing with a reduced drag for trolling you will want to tighten it up several truns to fight the fish to the boat.
A lever drag however has a full amount of movement of around half a circle. They are a lot easier to get from trolling setting to strike setting and a simple push of the button and move the lever past the stopper and you can go to maximum lockup for that reel.
Anyone can become proficient at both, its just practice.
