View Full Version : Strands of Hair for Lures

22-09-2007, 08:59 AM
Does anybody know of a source where I can get some white strands of hair for making Mackeral Lures.

I have a lead head and I need some hair to attach. I have seen some made and want to try myself but can't get the strands.

22-09-2007, 12:49 PM
look around for a white horse and prune his tail a few inches he wont mind much.


22-09-2007, 02:43 PM
I have seen the pro guys go into Gavin Platz at Tie N Fly (http://www.tienfly.com/%20)at Kawana to get some specific hair for them. I am not sure how the technique works but some of the old school Mackerel Pros still use a hand lining technique with a specific tie . Phone Gav as he would know a bit better being a former Pro Mack fisho himself