View Full Version : Bass Fishing in Casino

16-09-2007, 06:42 PM
Just got back from a spot of fishing in the Casino river.
It has been a couple of years since I last fished this river.
The spots I fish from don’t seem to have changed much.
I tried 3 different lures until settling on the one that always seems to catch the fish.
Sure enough after a few casts I got my first hit.
Within 1 hour I had about 10 hits and hooked about 5 fish. All fish were well undersize and most seemed to be about the same size as last time I fished there 2 or so years ago.
The largest fish was about 20cm which was caught from a previously unfished difficult spot with only just enough room to swing a lure between the bushes and trees. First cast was a bit dismal but just as the lure reached the bank the fish came out of nowhere and hit the lure.
Does anybody have any info regarding Bass fishing in the Casino river system, or photos of recently caught fish.
I have fished this stretch of river several times before but never seem to manage fish of any decent size. I have heard they stock the river with Bass fingerling.
Unless I have caught 2 different species and 1 of those species only grow to a certain size. They all looked like Bass or Perch to me.
I’ll go and check Google Earth to check the exact location of the remaining Weirs.



16-09-2007, 08:35 PM
god bass fishing down around there. i went to uni at lismore and coraki/ casino/ toonumbar is one of the best wild fishery's going around. get to tumblegum and find tributaries around the cane farms there and there is some big bass there. below the dam wall at toonumbar is the best bass fishing spot i have ever sihed in. i have fished nearly all of the bass dams in aust at their peak ad nothing compares. cricket scores should be accomplished at the moment..


16-09-2007, 08:39 PM
the biggest bass around there is emigrant creek..... good cod in there NSW Fisheries secret....... any wild fish is equivelent to 50 impoundment bass. anyone wants to argue they obviously havent caught one before.... well done.....

17-09-2007, 09:30 AM
Mate I fish the Richmond river every spring between casino and lismore from a canoe, at the right time there are huge numbers of big bass, we would spend days racking up cricket scores of fish and alot of wild 50cms plus fish. In the days before jackalls were around the rapala rattlin spot was the gun lure for the area.

17-09-2007, 02:00 PM
My favourite lure for Bass was the Rublex Flopy Lure.

I had Bass chase that lure into the shallows where there was barely enough water for the fish to swim in.

I've been seriously thinking about getting a Kayak and doing the same.

17-09-2007, 05:42 PM
spinnerbaits are good down there.... but the best is in november on the surface on crazy crawlers around some deadly snags.. mate your heart pumps overtime for hours fishing those conditions. has anyone been out to toonumbar lately? mate i have seriously caught over 200 fish in one weekend out there on eddy wasps (green and yellow).

miss me bass.....


17-09-2007, 06:14 PM
great wild bass i live at tenterfield and have always wanted to fish the casino area for bass, just going over the bridge into town makes my mind think off surface fishing for them along that stretch of water.thanks for sharing ,bdowdy..brett