03-09-2007, 02:44 PM
Having recently returned to fishing after a long absence a couple of things interest me.
No I'm an alvey man..... I just like the simplicity and being a native queenslander using an alvey is the right thing to do.
Now I have an assortment of alvey's of various ages ranging from brass backed timber spools to a spanking graphite backed lever drag.
the curious observation is the whole guide arrangements and rod layouts recomended these days.
the truth is that it may have always been the correct way tyo do it but the new avlety mantra seems a bit different to when I was a lad.
I'll start with the " alvey open runner"
How recent is this idea.......I can never remember seeing sucah a thing in the distant past.
I can sort of see the aparant benifit....... but who realy uses them and does it real matter.
I notice none of the alvey reels these days are fitted with an on reel stripping guide........ in the past I dont think I remamber seeing an alvey without.
I have some idea but can anybody shed any light on the disapearance of the on reel stripping guide.
In the past no normal pleb gave much thaught about how the rod was set up regarding runner layout.
I know the current runner recomendations go back at least beyong the seventies.
who realy worries about the current runner recomandations and how much difference does it make to you.
I can certainly see that the theory makes sence....... but how are users finding it in reality........ and how does this relate to the on reel stripping guide.
just a few things to think about.
No I'm an alvey man..... I just like the simplicity and being a native queenslander using an alvey is the right thing to do.
Now I have an assortment of alvey's of various ages ranging from brass backed timber spools to a spanking graphite backed lever drag.
the curious observation is the whole guide arrangements and rod layouts recomended these days.
the truth is that it may have always been the correct way tyo do it but the new avlety mantra seems a bit different to when I was a lad.
I'll start with the " alvey open runner"
How recent is this idea.......I can never remember seeing sucah a thing in the distant past.
I can sort of see the aparant benifit....... but who realy uses them and does it real matter.
I notice none of the alvey reels these days are fitted with an on reel stripping guide........ in the past I dont think I remamber seeing an alvey without.
I have some idea but can anybody shed any light on the disapearance of the on reel stripping guide.
In the past no normal pleb gave much thaught about how the rod was set up regarding runner layout.
I know the current runner recomendations go back at least beyong the seventies.
who realy worries about the current runner recomandations and how much difference does it make to you.
I can certainly see that the theory makes sence....... but how are users finding it in reality........ and how does this relate to the on reel stripping guide.
just a few things to think about.