View Full Version : Nissan elec FIXED at last.

01-09-2007, 05:48 PM
I have looked at all Libraries and failed to find a Workshop manual for my 2002 DX T/ Diesel. Nissan navara d/cab.

I have no power to the windscreen washer bottle. I have checked all fuses I can find and relays, but not being a leckie, I am unsure. I have found the right wire at the control stick on the column and the same one at the bottle motor. The motor does work via testing from remote power source.

I have also checked the water " squirters " on the bonnet, and yes, they are blocked. I have failed to unblock them. Yes, tried the boiled water. I'll have to get new ones.

So, does anyone have a wiring diagram for this model ? scanning the page and emailing it to me would be appreciated. OH, why don't I have one, well I did until THAT day at landcruiser park......>:( :-/

Cheers Phill

01-09-2007, 05:57 PM
would it be similar to a Patrol 3.0? i have the manual for that with diagrams but im buggered if i can understand them

01-09-2007, 06:26 PM
Some washer motor wiring you need to test the power by also using the same earth. (in other words when you test the power clip your test light earth to one of the terminals and put the tip on the other) hope this makes sense.
Like i said some do this but I'm not sure about yours.

To unblock your nozzles use a fine pin up the eye of it. they are normally blocked with polish. but I'm thinking yours is blocked with mud. then use a bit of compressed air the same way the water flows.
If this doesn't work i have other drastic ideas.
i would be surprised if you need new washers

hope this helps


01-09-2007, 06:38 PM
Thanks Neil forgot I had a compressor in the garage. !!!!

I run the multi meter up the connectors on the power side of the motor wiring to test for power and connected all ways, no go !!!


01-09-2007, 07:12 PM
If i was a betting man i would say the stalk is the problem. micro switches don't like mud/ muddy water.
its probably worth remove the stalk and clean the switch contacts. whilst you have this apart you should be able to see what wires run the washer motor and you can bridge the wires there and see if your getting power to it. this way it will tell you if its the switch or the wiring.

just a thought does you wipers work when you activate the washer mode?


01-09-2007, 07:37 PM
Yep, wipers work when i pull on the stick. I have also pulled apart the switches / plug at the stork and given them a squirt with Contact cleaner. The water didn't get that high in the cab !!!!


01-09-2007, 08:12 PM
please dont take this the wrong way but how do you check your fuses?
why i ask is i have seen fuses that look ok but when you use a test light or multimetre on them they dont allow current through.
the way i normally do it is the blade fuses have metal showing on top of them i put the tester on each of these showing metal. Do you do the same?

01-09-2007, 09:03 PM
Well funny thing is there wasn't a fuse marked for the washer !!! found the wiper ones. I just did a physical ( eyeball ) of all fuses. They are the small blade type.

I swear there is more electronics in this vehicle than the cockpit of an F1-11.


01-09-2007, 09:21 PM
I've looked long and hard for a D22 Diesel manual to no avail :(

02-09-2007, 07:56 AM
try checking the fuses as i do.
the only problem with my method is you have to work out when the fuses get power. (easiest way to get around most of them is ign. on) some may only get power when the item is activated.

as normal these wiring dilemmas aren't run of the norm. Its not very often that wires just break. (even after going for a swim:D )

03-09-2007, 07:01 AM
Hey Phil...have you got a sounder in that truck yet??
They're handy to judge depths :)
The squirts are easy to fix. I have some fine oxy cleaners I use on them.
The wiring may be easy too if you know where to look and what to use the multi-meter on.
I reckon a dirty plug and/or connectors down the steering column somewhere if the mud didn't get to the wiper/washer switch.

Reel Hard
03-09-2007, 10:26 AM
Hate to say it Phil but i told you so.

03-09-2007, 05:03 PM
Thanks Kev........ but you actually said I'd have ' issues ' down the track. This is current and hasn't been fixed since the drowning.... :P :P ;) everything else has been fixed and is running great. I do respect your opinion and you are probably right, no, definately right, but I cannot give up on the Nissan just yet. I will do something about her next year but would have trouble sleeping knowing I sold a ' problem ' car to someone.

I didn't see ya put ya hand up for the Levuka park trip, it'd be good to see you down there with the family.

Well Scott, one day when I am down your way you can show me how to use a multi meter, and in particular MY multi meter, which I am at a total loss to understand. ::) :-/

I did however, fit the second battery into the tray area all by myself and re-wire it. I am using a electronic isolator so all is good. Yes, I soldered my joins :P :P


03-09-2007, 08:11 PM
Well Scott, one day when I am down your way you can show me how to use a multi meter, and in particular MY multi meter, which I am at a total loss to understand. ::) :-/

Your not on your Pat Malone there matey :)

Give me a bit of notice and the cook and I (I really mean the cook) might be able to bung that leg of lamb on the BBQ for us eh ;D

03-09-2007, 09:01 PM
Will let you know in a day or 2 whether i can get hold of the wiring diagrame for you.My brother is a service advisor at Nissan so he is going to get me a copy.

Cheers Dazza

03-09-2007, 09:33 PM
TX Darren

04-09-2007, 09:52 AM

Some links for you.


Also known as Nissan Frontier


phill pm me your email address and ill email you pdf file .

Regards Russell.

18-09-2007, 06:36 AM
OK, finally did all I can do > Called a mobile sparkie and sorted out a where, when how etc. Took him about 15 minutes to find and fix the problem.

Surprise, surprise, it had nothing to do with the drowning. A solder thing in the module on the steering column was the problem, just had a small break in it. Why ? dunno, forgot to ask that question, I was just happy to have the washer bottle making that ' working ' noise/.

But, alas, my nozzles are still blocked. Tried the boiled water, soaking, and compressed air. I don't want to go down the road of new ones... but !!!

thanks everyone for your suggestions and help.


18-09-2007, 07:24 PM
have you tried poking a pin in the holes yet?

18-09-2007, 07:38 PM
pull the hose off the end of them or even pull them off the car and stick a pin or a tack down it as said then blow compressed air backwards against water flow. its normally corossion that blocks them up and they will work again. some will take a bit more perseverence but they will work

18-09-2007, 11:33 PM

Go to any good welding supplier and get a set of tip cleaners I use these to clean the tips on the oxy and mig and have used them for the same thing your talking about . They are little files about $5.00 and are very handy to have .


19-09-2007, 07:28 AM
Yes Honky, tried many times with a needle.

Benny01.... again have been trying all that.

Russell, thanks, I will have to try something as $75 EACH new is not good.

I have just finished boiling them in hot water and then soaked them for 24hrs in a Baking Soda/ water mix. still blocked. >:(

might head down to Mr Fix-its place this arvo for bikkes and clean nozzles. hey Scott ?


20-09-2007, 11:02 AM

Buy a Landy:-X


20-09-2007, 08:57 PM
I don't think a change of vehicle will fix the problem, Brett....!! :P

I gave everyone an opportunity to offer advice and solve the issue with the Bonnet Nozzles and all good suggestions etc.

The story goes like this:-

As mentioned above, I boiled the things, poked them, blew air up their freckle etc, etc etc etc etc.... but guess what I didn't do ?

I didn't put them back on the vehicle and plug the water in to test them.

Today I tracked down a mate that said he had some, went over there and searched for 1/2 hour and found them. I put lips to opening and blew,,,, I said, these are blocked too. He said you'll have to run the water to them as the water is under more pressure than you can blow through ya mouth. Put the nozzles on his Rodeo and they worked. As it happened, I had MY nozzles in my Nissan so we put them back on my vehicle and knock me down with a feather, they worked !!!!!!!!! SO, it appears that my nozzles have be OK from the beginning and it was ME that was the problem......again !!!!

BUT, I am not taking all the blame, why didn't one of you guys suggest this to me ::) :P

Anyway, all is good and just in time as well for my trip to Levuka Park this weekend.


20-09-2007, 09:48 PM
Well What can you you say . But i had a good laugh.

I didn't put them back on the vehicle and plug the water in to test them.
But the waters only two feet deep?