View Full Version : brissie river bust off

27-08-2007, 12:53 PM
Went for a fish up near the pinkenba sunkin wall. Fishing wasn't real easy as there was a steady breeze blowing from the sw, straight towards the mouth. After playing what i thought was a nice fish for about 5 mins got to see some colour and it was a monster ray. So I cut the line and Let it free.. While i rig up again I through a pillie out the back. Now picture this, tackle box at feet rod accross lap while i rig it up as i look up,the other rod with the pillie is bouncing all over the boat and about to go in the drink . So i grabed the rod tripped over the tacke box hooks and swivels everywhere. What ever hit the pillie just isn't stopping. Line is now in a hell of a mess around the handle of my alvey. Fish still isn't stopping and bag bust off. I think it was either a big jew or a river snapper.>:( . I did manage to get 1 flathead 1 bream 1 tailor 1ray:)
There was also some small Bait fish near the surface jumping every now and then they where very small and silver. Conditons were a bit difficult. Bait used frog mouth pillie west aussie pillie and mullet flesh. Hope this helps anyone

27-08-2007, 01:12 PM
Aahhhh - but those few seconds of excitement made the whole trip worthwhile.

We are just adrenalin junkies of a different kind!

Good report.


27-08-2007, 02:12 PM
of course it might have also been another Ray!! maybe not so exciting, but still a possibility

Crisp Bee
27-08-2007, 04:05 PM
Thanks, and sorry to hear of the dreaded old "Alvey Bunch of grapes trick". bad timing for thet to happen. Still at least you were out there trying.

27-08-2007, 04:43 PM
Noelm -- Mate don't you know you should always think positive. I hope you don't think every day is going to be a windy day. And I lost the big JEW SNAPPER so you can get him next time. I am to kind to fellow ausfishers.

27-08-2007, 04:48 PM
Hear, hear! Couldn't agree with you more lifestyle. Always think positive.

27-08-2007, 07:09 PM
A bunch of grapes is better than Davy Jones Locker for your rod. The number of times I have almost lost my rod; I now put it down with the big toe curled around it :). Next time will make you keener and meaner. Best of luck .

jez and suze
28-08-2007, 05:15 PM
were you near luggage point? because i released a ripper of a blind mullet afew days ago.

28-08-2007, 10:58 PM
were you near luggage point? because i released a ripper of a blind mullet afew days ago.

Lol, do they go very hard? ;)

jez and suze
29-08-2007, 06:14 AM
nah.....there abit soft