25-08-2007, 11:28 PM
Here’s a tip: never hit the BACKSPACE button while typing a new post – you lose it.
3rd time in an appropriate document editor – can’t fail (famous last words…)
Okay as I was saying…
Thursday, I hit the Bohle for the last of the run-out and all of the run-in for little success: a couple of undersize bream, an u/s grunter and a small queenie that smashed a baited hook that was dangling in the water while I was having a drink. A bit disappointing but I haven’t fished it much and was glad for the opportunity to explore the lower reaches as well as the channel heading out to sea. Gee, those rock bars look good don’t they – can’t wait to try them with a bucket of decent sized livies and a big stick.
Friday, I decided, stuff it, I’m going to a favourite haunt where I KNOW where the fish hang out. Well, it was dead – the place usually lights up when you throw well-aimed placcies to structure but, no go. So, I thought bugger it, I’m here to relax so on goes a couple of bombers and I started a nice slow troll up and down the target zone. Second pass all hell breaks loose and I look aft to see a good 90cm of barra leave the water. Holy cow man! It leaves the water again for a huge headshake and chucks the lure. Arrgghh!!
Right so now I know there’s fish there so, I start to troll seriously and with a new motor with a steering pillar tightener, I can set the course and flick a barra-style placcie up into the shallows. I missed a goodish hit doing that then I got hammered by a ray, then unfortunately snagged a turtle (mostly for me because geez, they can fight). Finally retrieved my lure from a very cranky turtle and got to trolling again. No luck.
The tide turns and typically, this is when the fishing goes quiet so I opted to try a few different things and starting working the placcie over the shallower patches, allowing it to drop off into the deeper parts. Had another barra follow right up to the boat. No. Back to trolling; chuck on a big gold bomber and suddenly I start catching fish cod are fighting for a chance to get nailed and the GT’s are in on the action as well. Still no barra tho’ so I set up a drift over where the cod are nailing me and I work the rocks and ledges with the bomber. Snagged; dammit!! Hang on, what’s this? The rock suddenly takes off and Yeehah! It’s a barra. No smash, no boil, nothing; I must have chucked the bomber straight down its gob. At 76cm it put on a great fight, easily as good as some of the bigger models I’ve caught and tasted good too.
‘Night all.
3rd time in an appropriate document editor – can’t fail (famous last words…)
Okay as I was saying…
Thursday, I hit the Bohle for the last of the run-out and all of the run-in for little success: a couple of undersize bream, an u/s grunter and a small queenie that smashed a baited hook that was dangling in the water while I was having a drink. A bit disappointing but I haven’t fished it much and was glad for the opportunity to explore the lower reaches as well as the channel heading out to sea. Gee, those rock bars look good don’t they – can’t wait to try them with a bucket of decent sized livies and a big stick.
Friday, I decided, stuff it, I’m going to a favourite haunt where I KNOW where the fish hang out. Well, it was dead – the place usually lights up when you throw well-aimed placcies to structure but, no go. So, I thought bugger it, I’m here to relax so on goes a couple of bombers and I started a nice slow troll up and down the target zone. Second pass all hell breaks loose and I look aft to see a good 90cm of barra leave the water. Holy cow man! It leaves the water again for a huge headshake and chucks the lure. Arrgghh!!
Right so now I know there’s fish there so, I start to troll seriously and with a new motor with a steering pillar tightener, I can set the course and flick a barra-style placcie up into the shallows. I missed a goodish hit doing that then I got hammered by a ray, then unfortunately snagged a turtle (mostly for me because geez, they can fight). Finally retrieved my lure from a very cranky turtle and got to trolling again. No luck.
The tide turns and typically, this is when the fishing goes quiet so I opted to try a few different things and starting working the placcie over the shallower patches, allowing it to drop off into the deeper parts. Had another barra follow right up to the boat. No. Back to trolling; chuck on a big gold bomber and suddenly I start catching fish cod are fighting for a chance to get nailed and the GT’s are in on the action as well. Still no barra tho’ so I set up a drift over where the cod are nailing me and I work the rocks and ledges with the bomber. Snagged; dammit!! Hang on, what’s this? The rock suddenly takes off and Yeehah! It’s a barra. No smash, no boil, nothing; I must have chucked the bomber straight down its gob. At 76cm it put on a great fight, easily as good as some of the bigger models I’ve caught and tasted good too.
‘Night all.