View Full Version : Southern Hook Island (Whitsundays)

19-08-2007, 07:59 AM
A mate of mine flew up from Brisbane for my birthday last week so we decided to grab one of those Whitsunday Boat Hire 455 Polycrafts.

We were advised that the results in the past were very poor so we had that in mind and headed to our destination of which we hadn't been before little lone the whitsundays at all.

For those who haven't fished up here before bear in mind that the tides are significantly bigger than Brisbane and fishing the top and bottom of the tides are strongly recommended.

After fumbling around in a boat that is significanlky smaller than my previous, we managed to find a productive patch and landed three large mouth nanagai and a snodger sweetlip.;D

By this time the current was roaring over our spot so then decided to troll a couple of lures from Hook to North Mole. We thought it was unproductive till we pulled both lures in and found we had a strike but didn't notice it. Bugger.

A quick drift along North Mole produced a 42 cm coral trout and a high tackle loss count.>:(

We headed home in very wet conditions in weather that was reletively good. Bow rider polycraft dont handle a small chop from the front corner very well. Ah well i must be used to a half cab.

All in all the day was good (but the weekend turned out very expensive).

Sorry no pics.

After the trip I soon worked out that I need another boat!!!

Now its time to work on the missus.::)



19-08-2007, 01:48 PM
By the sounds you need to come back to the Banks
lol better than been home

20-08-2007, 04:41 PM
Your not wrong there Spiro,

I will hopefully be getting another boat asap and covering some new ground.

Osprey888 and Jaymaryz have been having a ball tearer of a time out at the Hards and making sure they tell me about and sending through the pics.

Mackeral season will be in full swing here soon with hopefully a few spaniards hitting the deck!!!



21-08-2007, 08:20 PM
hey guys,

just got back yesterday - fishing rental boat in the same area over 4 days.

trolling same area got 64 cm trout and some schoolies.

lots of 3 kilo range flowery & estuary cod.

but first ever trip up there with no nannygais???

but same - got a few good sweeties in 40-50 cm range.

all returned except for one of the sweeties..MMMMMmmmmmmm...


24-08-2007, 07:17 PM
went up there a few times in the same boat, your right, it doesnt handle the chop at all, some good fish the be cought there, better luck next time