View Full Version : Sunny Rims for rover 130?

14-08-2007, 10:37 PM
Hi guys, just wondering if it is possible to get Sunraisia rims to suit a Landrover 130. I have these rims on my boat trailer and need a spare rim. I saw a landrover joint a week ago and they wanted $150 for a rusty looking 2nd hand one. i figured at that price i could get a Sunny rim cheaper.

any thoughts

Cheers Chris

15-08-2007, 08:51 AM
Any tyre shop should be ably to order them for you for well under $100 ea new.

15-08-2007, 12:25 PM

I think you'll have to look a bit hard. The stud pattern on the Landies make the normal sunraysias off limits.

I know when I went aftermarket calloys for the Extreme there was only one pattern from one manufacturer that I could choose from. That was it.

Having said that I have seem them on some older modlers so they must be available.


15-08-2007, 12:53 PM
G'day Chris.
Good luck with that mate, I have been after a spare wheel for my S3 LWB, either s/h or new, for a couple of years, to no avail.
It runs 16" ROH steel rims, they are rare as in this neck of the woods.
I'll be watching this thread with interest.
One lead might be to investigate the Australian Land Rover Owners web site.
- http://www.aulro.com/afvb/index.php

16-08-2007, 12:27 AM
Thanks for the input thus far guys. I was unsure weather sunny rims were made in the right stud pattern for the Land Rovers. Is the stud pattern the same between the Defender-Discovery etc etc?? ie are all the Land Rover stud patterns the same?

Cheers Chris

16-08-2007, 09:21 AM
I bought my sunrasia rims for the 4runner (15X8's) from goodyear at morayfeild, they cost me $65 each and that was to take the tyres off my old rims and fit the newby's. If they cant help you have you tryed talking to the Landrover place up the coast at Forestglen? they should be able to help you.
Cheers TT
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16-08-2007, 04:05 PM
sunny or similar copies are avalible but not worth bying, close to 200 dollars per rim to fit the landies 5 stud 3/4 pattern. stock landrover rims are way way stonger then any sunrasier. 130's are the stongest rim, followed buy the steely disco rims followed by the steel defender rims.

can buy the steel disco rims for a bout 200 bucks second hand the spray them up like new. i run the disco rims on my 130 x-tra cab td5 lit fit fit a 275 x 75 x 16 in tyre on them. a nice tall wide tyre for beach work which dont rub due to the disco rim having more offset.

18-08-2007, 07:59 AM
I'm sure there's some S3 rims in dad's shed.
They would have come of the Landy when we did it up.
It has 15" sunnies now and a S1 rim and tyre as a spare.
I'll ask if required and would be able to get a couple up reasonably soon to Brisbane.
They might have a spot of rust from sitting out but a sandblast and powdercoat or Galv. job and the jobs done.

18-08-2007, 12:14 PM
Just another thought..
What rims are on your car as it may be a wise thing to get rid of the trailer wheels and bung some wheels the same as the car on.
If the trailer is unbraked then hubs are cheap as chips and the swap-over easy as pie. Might still be a proposition if the trailer is braked.
6 Stud rims are everywhere.

18-08-2007, 04:55 PM
series 3 rims wont fit the defender rims, pattern is slightly ( ever so slight ) different. think it was because the old studs were imperial. i know this from having owned ex army landrover trailers.

24-06-2008, 07:23 AM
Thanks for the input thus far guys. I was unsure weather sunny rims were made in the right stud pattern for the Land Rovers. Is the stud pattern the same between the Defender-Discovery etc etc?? ie are all the Land Rover stud patterns the same?

Cheers Chris

Hi Guys,
I think I might have the rims you blokes are looking for, on the ROH wheel for the series 3, can you read the part number, and on the Sunraysia, can you tell me what size tyre you are going to run on it and is it a 5 stud wheel?

Let me know, Papadad