View Full Version : Sunday Arvo Cape Moreton

12-08-2007, 10:32 PM
Finally got mick in the boat for a cape trip along with kevy and what a day on the water. Flat as the proverbial all arvo and into the evening. Best conditions I've ever seen out there!:)

Left bribie 12ish and tried in vain to jig some livies but to no avail so out past the cape to chase some pearlies at a mark called Pigs.
Never made it due to sounding a solid ledge on the way that grabbed our attention. Down with the droppers and pearlies and squire first fish in the boat but the squire went back in anticipation of bigger versions later.
Picked up some nice pigfish, more pearlies and a cobia then called it time to venture in on the shallow reefs off the cape to target snapper on dusk.

Burly trail set and the snapper come on in the three to six kilo class;D
With the esky full, time was called and a flat trip home.

Thanks blocka for the boat again and I have some fillets for ya mum;)

Happy Days..


13-08-2007, 10:27 AM
Wasn’t just the greatest day to be on the water. :D
Nice feed there.

3rd degree
13-08-2007, 02:09 PM
Nice one Scoota,

she certainly was a cracker of a day out at the cape!

Shame its not like that more often!



lizard bribie
13-08-2007, 07:51 PM
Scoota, thanks for a great afternoon, good company, good conditions, best I have seen all year. Great boat, thanks Blocka. Nice whales, great fish, top class skipper. Cheers Lizard and Kevie.::)

13-08-2007, 08:00 PM
I'm green with envy, sounds like a perfect trip out, well done!!


14-08-2007, 08:51 AM
Good stuff scooter,

I was the centre console signature that went by on the way outside about 4.00 p.m. for a some snaps.

There were only two boats in on the cape? and I waved (I think).

Judging by the pics you weren't the tinny anchored right on the tip of North Point?

Big balls that bloke.


15-08-2007, 06:25 AM
Didn't see that tinny at North Point C.J.

We didn't get back to the cape till 5.00pm and left at 7.30pm.

Did you get amongst the snapper?


15-08-2007, 08:44 AM

bagged out in record time, but the quality wasn't amazing. I was working harder than a one armed paper hanger with crabs - running two rods in the deep water(140m). Would have liked some pearly as well, but could only get snapper and didn't want to 'upgrade' so went home early.
I no complain though.

You missed a sight - that quinny was fair dinkum about 30m off the tip of north point anchored up. If he was a surfer he was right in the pocket.:o

Give me a wave if you see us out there.


15-08-2007, 09:22 AM

Nice shot but where's the Patrol and the snatch strap that was attached to the front of your vehicle, from memory it was a permernant fixture!

18-08-2007, 09:21 AM
Great work Scoota. Didn't see any chickens hanging out of the Snaps mouths this time, did you use any? I didn't recognise Mick with out his glasses or that huge Green Joby hanging of his foot. cheers Tinhead