View Full Version : My first Taylor fishing experience

11-08-2007, 11:19 PM
well i wish i could say it was a good one. :'( i have been wanting to get into some beach fishing action for the last couple of years to see what all the hype was about. i have heard so many good things about it and taylor and all that. so during the week i have kitted myself out to do some fishing. 2 beach rods and reels all the hooks and line ect. so tonight was the big maiden voyage to narrow neck on the gold coats to try my luck. i took my loving girlfriend down with me as she is keen to get into it a bit also :D . so i gets down there just before the top of the tide. ( as recomended on here ;) :laugh: ) and rig up both out fits with a rig the friendly bloke at the tackle world on compton road showed me. i was feeling confident as it was a lovely night and there was already about 10ppl there trying their luck also. so i bait up and wade into the semi warm water to throw out my shinny new beach rod for the first time and no sooner had the sinkers hit the bottom then i had a good hit! so being a bit excited i think i may have struck a bit early and hard and ripped the bait out of the fishes mouth! :laugh: oh well at least i knew they were there! :D so i let rip with another cast and i feel a little splash and something brush past my leg on it's way out to sea. i thought it must have been the spool of leader line i had in my bag that was hanging from my shoulder. not to worry i thought. i have plenty of that at home. not a huge loss. then i realised that my bag was feeling a bit to light to just have been a spool of line. so i put my hand in there and what do you know.... ALL the hooks, sinkers and swivels i had brought along with the jig heads for my soft plastics were probably being pummeled by the breakers on the bar by now!:angryfire: :bomb: NOT HAPPY JAN!! oh well i thinks. so long as i have 2 rigs left i will stick around till the tide goes out for a bit and see if luck is on my side and i MIGHT just find it as it was full of metal and lead! as i am sort of tramping around trying to feel for it with my feet, i cop a freak wave straight up the front and get drenched from basicly the bottom of my rib cage down!! :angryfire: :angryfire: so trying to keep myself calm i call my girl over to hold that line while i go get the other one bait it up and wait for the tide to go out some more. all is going ok for a while. my girl is baiting her own hooks and we are both getting a few bites ect. i am slowly starting to get used to the feel of beach fishing when my girl comes over and says, my line is all knotted up... ok hold this one i'll go have a look. one look at the tangled mess even in the darkness i knew then and there i was wasting my time! i went down and retrived the other rod and we cut our losses and headed home! :-/ i have learnt a few things from this night and realise i have SOOOOOO much more to learn! but at the moment i am pretty gutted! oh well i'll go try some creek fishing tomorrow night. maybe some fishing off a jetty somewhere.

any pointers would be greatly appreciated! :laugh:

11-08-2007, 11:35 PM

Sounds like a dream trip!!!! seriously though, it's you and the girlfriend, and you're fishing... and she's wanting to learn. That's a brilliant thing.

Nothing wrong with that trip at all, just means that every one from here on in will be better.

Fishing is a funny thing, you will get the hang of it, the only pointers I could suggest is just keep a few, maybe 1/2 dozen tops of terminal tackle on you if you're wading, if anything is lost then it won't be much.

Also may be worth while to take someone with experiance with you. That is invaluable


12-08-2007, 08:35 AM
the best pointers you can get are from the mistakes that you make, you shouldnt feel gutted from what happened, but learn from the experience, and whatever you do dont give up, try it again next week and see how you go, i guarantee it will be better the second time round, you may even catch your elusive talior,or you could just say that tailor fishing is crap and not try it again, and youll never know why so many of us line the beaches to catch these awesome fish!!!!!

Outdoor Guy
12-08-2007, 08:54 AM
Great advice there the only thing i could add is maybe try fishing the day for a while till you get used to it,and you can see stuff as well

12-08-2007, 09:53 AM
Even if i'm wading i prefer not to keep any of my tackle in my shoulder bag. As you found out you never know when it will fall out, but it is always at the most inconvenient time.

As Dave said, only pack light with terminal tackle, perhaps have half a dozen (max) tailor rigs in your bucket or wading bag.

Persist, as you can only improve. And you will learn how to handle your gear much better.



12-08-2007, 10:42 AM
thanx for the advise guys! :) after a good nights sleep and a bit of time to think about it, it doesn't seem as bad. i was never going to quit because of one bad night. and yeah came to the conclusion that i was going to be better off during the day for a while after about 5mins last night! :laugh:

as for taking someone more experienced.... anyone want to go beach fishing next weekend? :laugh:

12-08-2007, 12:00 PM
Sorry to hear you had a bad trip, But on the brighter side not as bad some. I love tailor fishing and have learnt a lot of does and donts from both others and personal experiences. When I'm tailor fishing from beach at night I wear socks,trackies, waders shirt,jumper and water proof jacket, Theres nothing worse than being soaked by a wave and freezing your b##ls of the rest of the night. I never carry tackle on me as I leave it in car (easy ro say when 4x4 is parked on beach behind you). I only carry a knife and bait bucket. A good suggestion is to wear a headlamp so you can see what your doing in the dark. If you have any questions just ask and if you want to come up to bribie for a night trip up the beach I'm sure it can be arranged. (just not for a week or so as my good tailor rod,reel and waders are happily catching tailor at Fraser without me(ouch) I had to be the good husband and lend them to my wifes uncle from vic that took my spot as I couldnt go this year.
Cheers TT
Ltd (North America) (http://www.ford-wiki.com/wiki/Ford_LTD_(North_America))

12-08-2007, 01:15 PM
well we're not going to give up! going down tonight for a fish from a jetty or bank somewhere. :D will leave the beach fishing for next week and i can see what i am doing! :laugh: again thank you everyone for the support, will let you all know how things go tonight! :D

12-08-2007, 10:21 PM
When you are learning,or teaching someone to fish like that,use one rod,and share the experience,and learn from that,until you both get the feel for that type of fishing.

With two rods on the go,looking after a learner,as well as yourself, is hard work,on both of you.

Same goes for fishing from a boat.It is difficult to teach children,if you are also fishing,as they need constant attention,while they are learning.

13-08-2007, 10:15 AM
travel light , put bag with all tackle ie hooks and stuff ABOVE the water line on the sand . make a beach rod holder out of 90 mm pvc pipe . about 1 mtr long and cut a point at one end .these are cheap and are great to hold your rod when your rigging up or want to be lazy [ sick of holding your rod ] .stick with it ,its a bit of a leaning curve but its one of the best forms of fishing you can do .[ i love it ] . if your using an alvey [ i dont ] cut a groove down the rod holder to slip thr rod and reel into .

good luck

lie loud enough and for long enough and eventually the masses will believe you .

14-08-2007, 12:37 PM
Biggest tip.....

Go again mate!!



Miss C
14-08-2007, 12:57 PM
I now nothing so the only tip I can give you is stick with it. I caught my first tailor off shorncliffe pier the other night, it was only small (big for me but small in taolir terms), around 25cm but boy was it fun!! They put up one hell of a fight, I can only imagine what standing in the surf wrestling with a big one would be like ;D