View Full Version : Anything at Mud?

10-08-2007, 11:01 AM
How is Mud Island fishing at the moment? I haven’t seen any posts for a while , is every one leaving it alone until it dirties up a bit or is the place going ballistic and no one wants to let the secret out?:-X

10-08-2007, 12:35 PM
Well i couldnt find anything there this morning....dead quiet...and clean..look at the pic in my report...

10-08-2007, 03:59 PM
:-X :-X :-X :-X :-X

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

No, i'd say it's all pretty sh%t at the moment...

Take Care T

10-08-2007, 04:21 PM
forget it mate - same with wello and green - wait till summer! cheers

10-08-2007, 04:35 PM
We obviously got lucky, see my post ' more snaps on sp's'. must be the 4 leafed clover salad we had for dinner:)

Chas & Clarry
10-08-2007, 11:20 PM
Who to believe...Ausfish or the Courier Mail?? CM seems to suggest there are heaps of snaps available at Mud and throughout the bay, I recon I'd be more inclined to believe Ausfish given the consistantly slow reports over the past weeks (with some spectacular exceptions like plaztix!)

11-08-2007, 05:05 AM
Who to believe...Ausfish or the Courier Mail?? CM seems to suggest there are heaps of snaps available at Mud and throughout the bay, I recon I'd be more inclined to believe Ausfish given the consistantly slow reports over the past weeks (with some spectacular exceptions like plaztix!)

Yeah funny what they write, i think it was last months seq fishing monthly that said fishos had seen a bonanza of snapper this winter around bay islands, errr yeah i missed that run lol.

11-08-2007, 10:55 PM
Yeah, it has been a funny season for sure. Seems if your in the right place at the right time, there are some good fish to be taken.

Wouldn't call it a bonanza by any stretch of the imagination and it has been an ordinary winter in regards to numbers of fish taken (reported anyway)

Still myself and a few other mates have had great results lately.

ps. Thanks for refering to our luck as spectacular C&C.:)