View Full Version : Oxidisation on reels

04-08-2007, 03:54 PM
I'm pretty sure this has been posted before, but I can't find the subject matter in previous posts.

It concerns the green stuff that's appeared on some of my Alveys.

Was having a general clean up, stocktake etc earlier, and I noticed that green stuff around some of the screws and bolts and generally where metal meets metal. It's started to become evident on the 700C5 and the 651C5 in particular.

I guess I can clean it with an old toothbrush and some Brasso/Silvo, but is there a better solution? My mate told me that when you get that sort of stuff around the battery terminals in your car, you pour a solution of baking soda and hot water over the terminals and when it stops fizzing, then your terminals are clean.

Does the same principle apply to my Alveys?


04-08-2007, 04:39 PM
I tend not to worry about the green oxide. Simply because it is on the surface of the reels, and doesn't effect the workings of the reel. if, however, it starts deepening, i'll sratch it out with a knife, and spray WD 40 onto it.

I think the battery terminal cleaning trick would work. Its worth a try on some smaller parts first.


04-08-2007, 05:54 PM
Soak the affected parts in a solution of one part vinegar,two parts water overnight.Then use a non metallic abrasive pad to scrub the corrosion away and rinse with fresh water.Works a treat.:)

04-08-2007, 06:53 PM

I spray all of my reels with a light lanoline oil - seems like WD 40, but leaves a film of oil that doesn't evaporate off. Feels a bit funny at first, but now that I'm used to it, its great because it stops corrossion.


04-08-2007, 06:55 PM
Hate to say this mate but when they get to this stage they're buggered and you should give them to me and I'll take them to the tip for you...nice bloke I am :)
Or try the second option above :)