View Full Version : Brisbane River Tarpon

02-08-2007, 07:47 PM
Just wondering how to catch some tarpon in the river on my fly rod!
I got one last year fishing a tiny dry fly for garfish, it was the surprise and best fight i have ever had! Can they readily be caught in the brisbane river? Or is it a rare catch and i just fluked it? What flys do i use for them and where are some good spots to catch them? Also wat time of year are they most common? I have a canoe with an electric motor and can go anywhere i want between the junction of the brisbane and bremer all the way to the weir...

Cheers guys, Bass Pirate

03-08-2007, 11:50 AM
Hi Bass Pirate,

Can't help you on exactly where to catch them as they tend to move and disappear off the face of the earth just when you think you've got em sussed.

Consistent Tarpon water is rare and if found is a true honey hole, normally kept quite tight lipped.

I'm down the Goldy and we tend to catch them at the top of the river systems and some land locked pipe fed lakes - high tide is generally the best time.

Having said that they can turn up anywhere in the system all the way to the mouth, recently they turned up in the seaway and quite a few of the coast
fly boys had a ball on them.

Cheers Rick