View Full Version : 3 way fridge/freezer

21-07-2007, 01:39 PM
Hi all, Heading away September school holidays and wanting to rent a 3 way fridge/freezer. Any ideas where i would go? Thanks in advance.
By the way I am based in Brisbane.

21-07-2007, 03:05 PM
That might be tough try places that hire camper trailers cheers

21-07-2007, 05:44 PM
pretty certain there is a place off paisley drive lawnton, walter cres i think anyway he repairs all camping fridges and last time i was there i think he hired them out any how worth a look.found himCaravan R (http://www.yellowpages.com.au/onlineSolution_moreInfo.do?z=304501&listingPosition=10&iblName=Caravan+Refrigeration+Service&iblId=711588&pageNumber=1&authToken=113e7b9cff5%7C2f5c1211d02e066cf07e99f198 3585db&st=cs)Caravan Refrigeration Service (http://www.yellowpages.com.au/onlineSolution_moreInfo.do?z=304501&listingPosition=10&iblName=Caravan+Refrigeration+Service&iblId=711588&pageNumber=1&authToken=113e7b9cff5%7C2f5c1211d02e066cf07e99f198 3585db&st=cs) (http://www.yellowpages.com.au/onlineSolution_moreInfo.do?z=304501&listingPosition=10&iblName=Caravan+Refrigeration+Service&iblId=711588&pageNumber=1&authToken=113e7b9cff5%7C2f5c1211d02e066cf07e99f198 3585db&st=cs) 11 Walter Crs Lawnton QLD 4501
ph: (07) 3205 1236 good luck dags

27-07-2007, 11:14 PM
g,day mate
Try A-TREK Camping Hire,92 brickworks road,kallangur,ph38865466.
I am sure they do them as well as any other camping gear you may need right up to camper trailers.
As a side note it is the only place i know that weighs your gas bottle before and after refill and only charges for th gas you buy,so if you have a half full bottle you dont pay for a full refill.

Cheers craig:)

28-07-2007, 06:16 AM
there is a camping rental place in sumner park

they have a price list online too