View Full Version : e tec

cod muncher
18-07-2007, 01:59 PM
have a 75 etec behind a 4.6 do a lot of trolling only done 100hrs already set of plugs gone to shit, evenrude say if engine spends more than 40% of operation below 1000 rpm they will not warranty these repairs , these motors are not designed for trolling as the water pumps pump too much water at low speed not allowing the engine to get up to temp thus wrecking plugs anyone else had this problem>:(

18-07-2007, 02:25 PM
I haven't, but a barra charter guy in NQ (Ryan Moody) has had the some problem with a 90hp tiller. I don't know what the outcome was but I'm sure he would have gone off his head if the dealer came back with that answer. A motor of that price should be warranted under any revs regardless. ACCC would love to here that reply!!!

18-07-2007, 03:03 PM
Muncher it doesn't make sense to me, what was wrong with the plugs? highspeed is the hardest time a plug has, at low speed and what I would assume is a 120: oil ratio they should be doing it easy per hour. Engines have thermostats, no thermostats cause all types of problems and is never a good idea outside of emergencies. Dunno just doesn't make sense unless the timing is way advanced at 1000rpm on these things or something like that.

cheers fnq

18-07-2007, 03:14 PM
I had a lot to do with the early ficht engines, mainly the 225. We found that they would carbon up the plugs after a lot of Idling cause an engine missfire. We also found this would clear up if every now and then we gave the engine a good hard run above 4000rpm. The plug does not fail it just has a significant carbon build up on the porcelin which causes the spark to track accross the carbon instead of jumping the gap hence engine missfire.

The problem was more evident in the early engines around 2000rpm which was the time the ECU was trying to change from Homogenous to Stratified injection, this was causing a lot of soot build up and even caused some carbon seizures.

So maybe you should give her a good run at the end of each days fishing and see how that goes or you could just change the plugs.. what are they worth these days.. $30 a go or are they more now??

I think you will find that plugs and filters come under consumables and are not covered under the warranty system. :d

18-07-2007, 03:15 PM
weird....agree with dunco.they should hav a warranty no matter what revs it is at!!

cheers alex

cod muncher
18-07-2007, 03:16 PM
plugs were that full of carbon they wouldnt spark properly they said the cause of this was i had 70 % of use at 500rpm, in fine print in the manual it says you can't have more than 40%

18-07-2007, 03:23 PM
I had 90 ETEC, the plug issue is because it fires the plug 3 times a cycle at low rpms, this is what was killing them. Later software update should cure it.

I got hit for a water pump kit on mine at the supposedly unnecessary service I got done just to be sure, $200 fitted, dealer told me i ran over something... BS... not even a mark on prop.

Was a good engine, but always wondered when it was gonna blow up according to all reports, just kept on going, strong at that, n good on fuel.

18-07-2007, 03:41 PM
Ok so not the plugs themselves but a carbon issue like Gary said, seems it is important to give even the new tech 2 st's a blat every now and then if trolling.

Could well be related to a too cold engine also, shame - it is an engineering oversight to exclude a common use from the list of normal operations.

Trouble with carbon issues is they rear their heads later in other areas and usually out of warrenty.

cheers fnq

18-07-2007, 03:55 PM
Imagine in the fine print. Warranty void if engine is used in salt water.

18-07-2007, 08:03 PM
Etec Fine print - Ignore 6 knot no wash area's, recomend you approach boat ramp above 1000rpm and hope the trailers lined up.

I'm not buying one!!!!

18-07-2007, 08:15 PM
Onya Dunco lets start e-tec bashing again.Also note that any 2 stroke dont like to idle for extended periods .Thats given .If you wanna troll at slow speeds get a 4 stroke.Different motors for different uses,or at least find the best compromise.

18-07-2007, 08:21 PM
i was down at a boat yard at springwood today and the salesman could not stop raving about the etec.
sorry iam not convinced. i liked the boat but would never ut an etec on it. It really surprises me that u r dictated by the boat yard as to what motor u use.
I bought new stacer last year. Would have liked to deal at a certain dealer but could not fit a merc on the back. I had to go yammy. Just dont see to many blokes coming out in 100% support of the etecs. Prob prove me wrong now.
Go the mercs.


19-07-2007, 07:01 AM
seahorse DO you know of a motor that get 100% support? or boat or car or or or.....

19-07-2007, 04:59 PM
i know he has to say that, hes selling them. wouldnt be doing his job otherwise.

19-07-2007, 06:18 PM
I just got one i am happy with it so far. Are you a ford or Holden person?

24-07-2007, 02:47 PM
plugs were that full of carbon they wouldnt spark properly they said the cause of this was i had 70 % of use at 500rpm, in fine print in the manual it says you can't have more than 40%

I've been going through the book and warranty and I can't find that reference anywhere ... where abouts is it??

24-07-2007, 04:03 PM
Etec owners dont troll, there to busy showing everyone HOW much better there boat is out of the hole:o :o :o

Is hole shot the most over rated term in boating!!!( ski racers excluded) Just dont see how a few seconds faster onto the plane is EVER going to help you? Now being able to troll for 12 hours without fouling plugs would be an asset wouldn't it!!;D


24-07-2007, 06:10 PM
I do troll with mine for hours ,so far so good .What kinda plugs wre they?
Finding time are you familiar with the term shitestirrer?

24-07-2007, 07:06 PM
Finding time are you familiar with the term shitestirrer?


Hehehe! Just trying to get the attention of my old mates Disorderly and Sea Raider. I struggling with the concept that were on the second page of a e-tec thread and not a post from the e-tec boys yet;) Must be a network crash in NQ;D


24-07-2007, 07:17 PM
I see ,an old nemesis thing.I recall some of the pointless bs you guys were involved in::) .They maybe start to enjoy what they have, instead of try to prove a point which is unprovable.
By the way im an e-tec boy, but couldnt care less about holeshot or how it works or even bs advertising campaigns.I bought mine very cheap trough a friend ,and wrapt with it so far.

24-07-2007, 07:28 PM

Your an etec owner, and by the sounds of it a happy one;) , a etec boy is something completely differant, A owner doesn't have the burning desire to ram there choice down everyone elses throat:P Whoops, there i go again:-[ yep i'm shitestirer alright


24-07-2007, 07:30 PM
Hi Ian,

Surprise,surprise.Good to hear some useful advise as alwayshttp://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/grin.gif.
Mate, I have this really big boil on my ass,can you give me some good advise on the best way to treat it?.It miraculously appeared when I read your posthttp://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/grin.gif

regards Scott

24-07-2007, 07:36 PM
Hey scott

Saw you were online when i posted,, How did you like that bait presentation!!! The livie always gets the big hook-up!!


It's all good fun mate!:D ;D

As for the Boil just get SeaRaider to drive his boat past as you stand on the river bank the air pressure will lance that sucker for you ;)

24-07-2007, 07:45 PM
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, hang on Ian, your ON!!!

24-07-2007, 08:17 PM
Hey scott

Saw you were online when i posted,, How did you like that bait presentation!!! The livie always gets the big hook-up!!


It's all good fun mate!:D ;D

As for the Boil just get SeaRaider to drive his boat past as you stand on the river bank the air pressure will lance that sucker for you ;)

Thanks for the laugh,Ian.
Things were getting a bit hectic and stressful here today.So I appreciate you lightening the mood.It's to easy to take ourselves too seriously and i always appreciate a bit of a laughhttp://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/grin.gif.

As for you Lee,well you know where you can shove that flammable Suzukihttp://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/../yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/grin.gif.


24-07-2007, 08:43 PM
Geez Scott, didn't think things got hectic up your way:). Looks like the weather gods are going to give us a chance to burn some fuel this weekend mate (in your case some oil aswell :P ).
With this cold weather we have been having the macks should be thick out there.


24-07-2007, 09:19 PM
Hi Lee,

Half your luck if you can get out this weekend!
Hope you clean up on the mac's.
This thread seems to have gone the same way as the poor buggers? original problem.
Would any manufacturer void your warranty if you spent too much time at low revs?
I think this thread is another setup to bash E-tecs,so go for it all you envious types.It's amazing what people conjure up to trash a product.


25-07-2007, 08:46 AM
Hi Cod Muncher,

The issue you have is a known issue with ETec's that can be fixed under warranty, as published on the webpage like below.

Quote from page:
"Spark plugs were wearing out around 100 hours, especially on boats that did a lot of trolling: This turned out to be a problem with the EMM software, and according to one of our local E-TEC dealers, in the larger motors, a fuel jet deflector of some sort had to be replaced with an improved design. The software was fixed, and all engines with premature spark plug wear were fixed under warranty. If you are an E-TEC owner and experience this problem, you should return to the dealer and have the problem corrected".

Web page link: Go to the summary link "Reliability & Engine Life".

