View Full Version : Tailor Rigs

17-07-2007, 02:04 PM
I was watching a fishing show on the Tele the other day and they were chasing Tailor in NSW some where. It was the TV guy fishing with the local professional guide, they were doing pretty well and the guide seemed to know what he was doing.
But the thing that interested me the most was how different the gear was from what I would consider to be the norm here in Qld.
He was using a spinning reel on a long handle 12ft 6 surf rod, one of those star or pyramid sinkers with the swivel attached on about a 2ft dropper attached to a slide on the main line and then a large open hook or the other guy had a 2 gang hook setup I think.
I have always used the Alvey on a short butt 13' 6 rod, small flat surf sinker or usually no sinker at all, wire trace unless they are fussy and 3 or 4 gang hooks depending on the pilly size.
I dont think the tailor down there are too different to ours, so how did the gear get to be so different? If one setup was obviously better than another wouldn't we all have standardised by now?
What do you guys use and why?

17-07-2007, 03:17 PM
every time I got fishing with a group of other blokes I notice that everyone rigs up just that little bit different. If one rig is working better than mine then I'll try their set up. Also being a guide I would say that the set up was for Joe blow who never fishes the beach and would have no idea of using an Alvey rod and reel,but the guide still wanting to put the costomers onto fish

17-07-2007, 05:07 PM
G`Day ,Seahunt lately i have been catching tailor on a few different rigs,i have been trolling lures ,using soft plastics and even using live smaller tailor with a hook in its back attached to a float to catch em.Here is one i caught on live tailor.

17-07-2007, 05:25 PM
Yeah I don't think they are too fussy when they are hungry.
I have got no idea where you are, but if that livey swimming around under the float was less than 30 cm and in Queensland you would be breaking the fisheries law. I don't want to be a stick in the mud, but I thought I should point that out.::)
I like the dog in your Avatar, what is he/she , American Bulldog?

17-07-2007, 08:09 PM
Nah, everything is above board , 30cm and over .
He`s supposed to be a staffy but i think he`s a mix or something , ah well ,he`s still a champ.

17-07-2007, 09:12 PM
i agree, when the fish are on tailor will bite at anything. I caught my first tailor, (a good sized one aswell) on a longshank hook and worm bait fishing for dart.

I tend to use two different rigs, one for the beach and the other for the rocks.


17-07-2007, 10:33 PM
I spent the about 35 years fishing for Tailor on the nsw coast between port macquarie and narooma. My outfit of choice was a 12' medium/fast taper beach rod with a 6" Alvey, 6kg mono traight to a 4-5 gang rig (depending on whether using pillies or gar). Most of my mates and people seriously fishing nearby were using similar rigs. This is in ideal surf conditions. If the wind was in your face you would have to change to a sinker on th eend of the rig with a leader off a three way swivel to the side with your gangs. and if the surf rips were strong - you used a star sinker to slow the drift. Its all about being adaptable. Hope this sheds a bit of light on the issue.

PS some people just cant get the hang of using an alvey....no matter how good a fisherman they are.
