View Full Version : Stolen gear from Gladstone McDonalds

11-07-2007, 02:53 PM
I stopped off at the Gladstone McDonalds after a weekends fishing, and some lowlife decided to empty the boat of the majority of my gear.

Taken was...

Tacklebox - Including tackle.
Sounder - Screen only, God knows how that'll be useful to them without the mount and transponder.
GPS - Garmin Handheld.
Electic motor - Stern mount Minn Kota 55lb.
Battery - Deep cycle for electric motor.
Rods - 2x Shimano 6500 baitrunners w/8kg Uglystick's, Abu Garcia overhead 5600 w/Pfluger 6kg carbon.

Must have been a quick snatch and grab job because they didn't open the console and take any of the gear in there.

I doubt I will get them back, so hopefully I will get something on insurance.

If anyone was there (around 5:30 Sunday afternoon) and saw someone looking suspicious in the back of my tinnie give us a message and tell all.


12-07-2007, 11:38 PM
What a shame mate I dont think you will find who did it>:( any ways hope you get it back on insurance, when we go fishing we always try and keep an eye on the boat when we stop, one year on the way to cairns we caught 3 young feral street kids looking in our boats looking for stuff to knock off lucky one of us were watching because there were 3 saltega 6500 setups sitting in the boat we yelled at them and they ran off any way best off luck with insurance.

03-08-2007, 01:49 PM
Just so people dont get the wrong idea (as I am selling my boat now). The gear was taken by a friend of mine as a joke... Yeah ha f-king ha.

Not very funny and lucky I didn't file a police report.

03-08-2007, 02:05 PM
I'm glad you got your gear back mate, It's a bit of a rough joke to play on someone though, a joke is a joke but I think that taking it a bit to far... oh wel a sorted out in the end.
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03-08-2007, 03:32 PM
I'm glad you got your gear back mate, It's a bit of a rough joke to play on someone though, a joke is a joke but I think that taking it a bit to far... oh wel a sorted out in the end. Yes, way too far... You dont mess with a man's woman, dog, kids, or fishing gear (the unwritten law).

03-07-2008, 10:12 PM
id be getting some new friends mate...that sh*t aint funny...

Melbourne Rigger
04-07-2008, 02:29 PM
Far from funny..........