View Full Version : Anybody installed a baby seat in a Troopy?

09-07-2007, 02:44 PM
Afternoon Team - I have a dillema...........after getting my Troopy decked out the way I want it, needs have changed and now I need to fit a baby seat in it.

Does anyone know if there are laws prohibiting a baby seat being installed in the front of a 3 seat Troopy? I imagine that there is a step to check the anchor point instal (if it is even possible)?

I will also have to follow this up with QLD DOT to be sure.

It is only a matter of time until the rear draws have to be removed and the seats put back in.



09-07-2007, 03:11 PM
Here's a snippit from the QLD DOT website:

"It is legal to use a capsule or car seat in a ute or van, as long as there is sufficient space and an anchor point is installed."

As for anchor points, it talks about 'correctly fitted' anchor points, but then doesn't elaborate on the 'right' way to fit an anchor point into a vehicle that was not originally built with one.....................

09-07-2007, 09:44 PM
Yes you can install the child seat in then front of the troopy. The only requirements are that it isn't rearward facing if there is an airbag (doubt it in the troopy LOL), that you have a complying seat belt to help secure it and a 'correctly fitted' child anchor point.
Anchor points are available from some Baby Stores, I think even Target/FreeMart have them around the baby area. Having said that, I would still check at an approved modification approval mob (engineers) about how to do it correctly. If the anchor point didn't come standard a mod plate would be needed, I remember this from when a friend of my wifes had one put into their HJ Monaro. By the way, that was the only thing non-original. That car was beatiful.
Turners Engineering on the coast does mod plates. I'm sure there are plenty of others but thats the one that came to mind.
