View Full Version : How to Insert a poll

07-07-2007, 11:00 AM
Hello Everyone,
This one has been bugging me for a while. How do you insert a poll, I know down the bottom it says [ ] post a poll with this thread and you tick the little box, then you type in how many options/catagories you want. But the thng thats got me beat is where do you type in your poll options/catagories.
All help would be greatly appreciated.

07-07-2007, 04:37 PM
So no one can help me???
It would be greatly appreciated

cheers Peter

07-07-2007, 05:31 PM
Patience is a virtue, it is a Saturday after all :-)

Just click on the box to select Yes, post a poll with this thread and enter how many options you want the poll to have. Then click on Post New Thread. You will then be taken to the screen to add your poll.

You can also select "Add a Poll to this Thread" under "Thread Tools" at the top of the first post in a thread, if you are the topic starter.

07-07-2007, 05:40 PM
hahaha, i must have forgot, thanks