View Full Version : Saturday Pin Session 30th

30-06-2007, 02:16 PM
Hey All,

Been a month since I last wet a line and was chomping at the bit to get out there and into them. One of the big bosses at work asked me awhile ago to take him out for a plastics session at the pin and finally we got it done James!

Was a cold morning, few little problems getting the bosses motor started, but she went eventually off we head. Wasn't too many boats down there, they started turning up about 7:30-8:00 but before that the action was solid, first cast got nailed by a nice Bream, then pulled 2 more out of same spot, James got a nice big eye trevally and some other assorteds that went back all on 3"inch bass minnows, pearl watermelon ofcourse!

Looked towards the bar and the choppers were on! Time for some fun, threw on a Zoom Fluke and boated about a dozen, alot of undersize, kept a couple for tucker and threw the rest back. Moved around for awhile picking up some Flathead and a nice Sole, before we decided to move back towards the bar in search of some more decent bream, in 3 casts I landed 3 30 - 35cm's nice fish. Put the rod away and help the boss on his plastic technique hoping he could hook a beauty, but he got a nice flathead anyway and has alot more confidence in using plastics after getting amongst a few fish.

The pin wasn't that busy for what i know, but i don't go done there too much, just great to have a fish after awhile, gotta get out after them Bay Snapper soon, been awhile, otherwise i might miss the big winter snapper run you hearing me Johnny?????.


30-06-2007, 02:38 PM
where did u leavefrom michael? was it blowy?


30-06-2007, 03:05 PM
Nice catch Michael!! Those Choppers are a bit messed up - did something have a go at them on the way in? Or just clumsy knife work?... they just look at bit "chewed" is all. Still taste the same but!

Good effort in breezy conditions - well done.


30-06-2007, 03:21 PM

Left from Cabbage Tree Point i think it's called, it's the boatramp north from Jacobs Well, conditions were actually pretty good, got better once the run out tide started and the wind was with it, the 15-20K didn't really bother us.


The boss had the knife Adamy, I said bleed them he started cutting their heads off..........................lucky i still have fingers!


30-06-2007, 04:27 PM
Looks like a good feed there and a nice mixed bag,good on ya

30-06-2007, 05:07 PM
Well done on catchimng some very nice bream and a good worthwhile mixed bag from the 'Pin. :)

Now you will the boss annoyin' ya to do it again. ;D

A great report to read also. Many thanks.:)

30-06-2007, 05:24 PM
Top effort. Winds predicted to ease off in the next few days so it should look good. Water is till super clear tho. Great mixed bag in the wind champ.
