View Full Version : What's the number one gripe

28-06-2007, 05:10 PM
What's the number one gripe people have with their alloy boat. Would I be correct in saying that the ride is harsh, esp in choppy Morten Bay.
correct me if I'm wrong.

28-06-2007, 05:18 PM
Its not a 6m Fisher!

28-06-2007, 05:32 PM
Depends on how hard you push it as well....

28-06-2007, 05:34 PM
Its not a 6m Fisher!
So what your saying is your current alloy boat is too small and rides rough in the bay and a 6m Fisher would fix both these problems.

28-06-2007, 05:47 PM
Its not what a boat is made of that = a good/bad ride, but design and how well its built.

28-06-2007, 05:48 PM
Its not a 6m Fisher!

or even my little Webster :)

28-06-2007, 05:53 PM
Only got one gripe - Paintwork Oxidization!>:(


28-06-2007, 06:14 PM
I've got only one gripe but its a different one.



28-06-2007, 06:23 PM
I had an Idea on how to make a ally boat ride better in bay chop, that's all, and if it works and is able to be fitted to existing boats, do you think it would have a big market or not.

28-06-2007, 06:35 PM
Only got one gripe - Paintwork Oxidization!>:(


ROFPML, i will pay that one ;D ( sorry fellas )

ummm geez been sitting here 5mins now trying to think what to answer

ok ......... the ride is not 100%,, but what do you compare that with, i am more than happy, well impressed with the way my boat rides, i not have had it that long, but i put in its paces if not more the other day, i had a 100 L water tank up front and that would of made a big diff

ok i have had 3 wines and 2 beers...........i hope that all made sence


28-06-2007, 06:36 PM
Its not what a boat is made of that = a good/bad ride, but design and how well its built.How do you know this is correct,i can honestly say ive never been in a plate boat that has ridden nice,but in saying this ive only ever been in a 28 foot stingray and a profish about 23 foot.

28-06-2007, 06:41 PM
So what your saying is your current alloy boat is too small and rides rough in the bay and a 6m Fisher would fix both these problems.

Yes (would have been enough said but wasn't the required 10 characters).

28-06-2007, 06:52 PM
Yes (would have been enough said but wasn't the required 10 characters).

you should get out bit more :P

Greg P
28-06-2007, 06:59 PM
Its not a 6m Fisher!

I concur :P:P:P;D

28-06-2007, 07:14 PM
I concur :P:P:P;D

LOL ( to myself )

you only wish you had a hull same as mine ;D;D;D;D;D ( ;) )


28-06-2007, 07:40 PM
I had an Idea on how to make a ally boat ride better in bay chop, that's all, and if it works and is able to be fitted to existing boats, do you think it would have a big market or not.

Bullshit aside, if it works and is a practical addition without detracting too much from the asthetics or resale value, i reckon there would be a market, but a lot of these old sea dogs are just not into anything new or slightly gimmicky unless some 'expert' has given it the thumbs up.

So, what's your idea noboat???

Shane Dyer
28-06-2007, 07:45 PM
Noboat i have just swapped my 16ft deep v haines hunter glass boat(that i thought rode into a choppy sea the best ive experienced) for a 4.8 mtr plate centre console. I was a bit hesitant as i have always owned glass boats and have heard plenty of mates and other fishos say that ally boats ride rough and bang like hell. i decided to make the transition to ally after lots of research i found a custom built plate boat and on my first viewing and knowing a few finer points on boats ,i knew this was a tough boat. My first impressions were correct this boat rode even better than it looked, i have even made the comment "i have done things in seas that i wouldnt have felt comfy with in my old glass boat" so i guess you just need to find the right boat for the right job.

28-06-2007, 08:04 PM
Bullshit aside, if it works and is a practical addition without detracting too much from the asthetics or resale value, i reckon there would be a market, but a lot of these old sea dogs are just not into anything new or slightly gimmicky unless some 'expert' has given it the thumbs up.

So, what's your idea noboat???

You will be able to attach it to your exisiting boat and be able to detach it and transfer it to your next boat. I should have the first prototype installed on my boat by the end of next month for some night time trials. If it works to my liking I will then have a go at fitting it to a mates boat which is larger and differs from mine, and will take it for some more trials. I don't want to give too much away as if it works, [and I have no dout it will] there should be a huge market for any planing boat and maybe not just alloy boats.
The other option is everyone could trade in their boat on a softer riding boat, but not all of us have this option.

28-06-2007, 08:35 PM
You will be able to attach it to your exisiting boat and be able to detach it and transfer it to your next boat. I should have the first prototype installed on my boat by the end of next month for some night time trials. If it works to my liking I will then have a go at fitting it to a mates boat which is larger and differs from mine, and will take it for some more trials. I don't want to give too much away as if it works, [and I have no dout it will] there should be a huge market for any planing boat and maybe not just alloy boats.
The other option is everyone could trade in their boat on a softer riding boat, but not all of us have this option.

Now you have me intrigued.
I would be interested but when attaching it to my hull it cant damage it in any way.

Keep us informed with your findings on your trails


Steve B
28-06-2007, 09:20 PM
EverydayI look at my plate side console and think......thank god its not a poly:P :D

wags on the water
28-06-2007, 09:38 PM
Only got one gripe - Paintwork Oxidization!>:(


You took the words outa my mouth. And a certain warranty manager.

28-06-2007, 09:58 PM
EverydayI look at my plate side console and think......thank god its not a poly:P :D

Steve B,
damn you............................................... .

i nealy pissed myself.............LOL;D


29-06-2007, 07:07 AM
My tinny Ally Craft 5.1mt Centre Console is fine.

If youre getting bashed scooting across the bay, slow down, drive to the conditions.

Instead of doing 25 knots pull back to 20 or 22...amazing the difference that makes. Dont drive at 100 miles an hour and youll be better off.

I see too maNY people flying across the bay then say their boat is a bumpy rough ride.............. slow down dudes, whats the hurry to get off the magnificent waters we have? Unless a storm is coming in, in which case you have to exit quickly.


29-06-2007, 07:25 AM
Only issue I have with my Alloy boat is.......

It is not a KevlaCat.


29-06-2007, 10:34 AM
The only issue I have with my tinnie is that it is not bigger. Otherwise I like it just fine.

29-06-2007, 01:14 PM
What's the number one gripe people have with their alloy boat. Would I be correct in saying that the ride is harsh, esp in choppy Morten Bay.
correct me if I'm wrong.

May I ask with your what sounds your wealth of experience how many alloy boats have you been in and how many were plate and pressed. Sound like a very broad statement. Also what are you comparing to in fiberglass and poly and sizes. And would be interesting to see your design in the future.


29-06-2007, 04:16 PM
My only gripe is that I don't have a boat... anymore :(

So what if it rides hard ? I look at the tyre marks on the concrete where my boat used to be, and after 18 months they are still there (damn this drought) and I think.. wahhhhhh !!!

I wouldn't care if my boat was made from old pallets, or beer cans, a boat is a boat and thats a mighty fine thing.

30-06-2007, 05:10 AM
Not a gripe as such, but for me.....

- Superficial corrosion around dissimilar metals.

- Loud wave slap if you are trying to sleep.

- Condensation when stored

- Drumming noise at times when the engine is at a certain RPM

However, none of which would have me change from a plate ally next time.

- Darren

30-06-2007, 07:50 AM
Biggest problem with alloy is getting it to bend in two directions at once when you are making it. If you can press it as the Quintrex have attempted you can get some of the way there but it still falls short of ideal esp if you would like a heavier guage hull.

Apart from the nature of alloy I think the only real main drawback is why boats are so damn expensive and why the motors dont last forever. I mean seriously if we spent that same amount of money on any other hobby if it wasnt fishing e.g. dvd's or judo or gardening could we justify it?

A few scales and a fishy smell and a few hours at each time and it is definitely worthwhile!

ARE WE SANE????????????? lol.


30-06-2007, 04:56 PM
The only thing I can say about a tinny is...thank god I own a Poly and not a noisy, hard riding dog dish.:P

01-07-2007, 05:12 PM
You took the words outa my mouth. And a certain warranty manager.

I concurr with these statements

01-07-2007, 05:45 PM
my tinny does not ride as well as my glass boat

01-07-2007, 05:56 PM
Noise when sinkers and stuff hit it. Rough ride I can deal with especially considering the weight difference. Although some tinnies i have been in were rough as guts others are heaps better.

Cheers Chris

01-07-2007, 07:27 PM
What's the number one gripe people have with their alloy boat. Would I be correct in saying that the ride is harsh, esp in choppy Morten Bay.
correct me if I'm wrong.

I am a proud alloy boat owner never go back to glass no way and i don't care what you called them names like dog dish ally can tin can and so on ( I herad of some real good names over time:-X )
My Star plate boat so many advantages for me and my doesn't ride harsh in the Moreton Bay condtions and performs on the water like its manufactory's namesake Star (boat) ;D
I have to agree with Marlin _Mikes comments as well

01-07-2007, 07:32 PM
I am a proud alloy boat owner never go back to glass no way and i don't care what you called them names like dog dish ally can tin can and so on ( I herad of some real good names over time:-X )
My Star plate boat so many advantages for me and my doesn't ride harsh in the Moreton Bay condtions and performs on the water like its manufactory's namesake Star (boat) ;D
I have to agree with Marlin _Mikes comments as well

most of them names come from them plastic thingy onwers, as they cant justify there mistake;D