View Full Version : true plate boats???
27-06-2007, 07:31 PM
Been reading alot of threats stating, this particular boat is ture plate boats and other brands aren't. So the quesiton is , what makes it a true plate boat.
1. materials is 5083 h21 grade
2. Stringers welded to the bottom sheets.
3. clinker?? I beleive you can bend plate boats.
4. Pressed bottoms plates??
Ok now some information. My 4.85 trailcraft is marketed as plate. It has 5083 bottoms which are 4mm. clinker sides which are 3mm grade is 5251.
Now formosa are are marketed as plate boats. 3mm sides 4mm bottoms. Material used for both are 5251. Bottoms are pressed in the v shape like alllycraft.
They don't use stringers either. Instead of stringers they use C Channel welded to the keel.
My new boat is Tabs 5.45, 5083 material and has stringers welded to keel. smooth sides??. Is this a plate or just clever marketing.
alot of members says fisher, riptide are true plate boats, Why is that so
So what do you think guys
27-06-2007, 07:50 PM
Riptide, AMM, Sportfish, JBS, Fisher, Rebel, Lightning, are CUSTOM built plate boats here in Brisbane. There may be more, but these are the well known brands. And IMO, true plate boats are not pressed. They are fully welded with a frame, keel, bulkheads, stringers, self draining sealed deck & built to the owners requirements. There is generally a five year hull warranty.
They probably are dearer because of this but that fact will not detract from the qualities of any other boat. If you are happy with YOUR alloy boat then that is all that matters.
27-06-2007, 07:56 PM
I class a plate boat as a boat with stringers welded to the bottoms sheets.
As with Customs built plate boats ---> You can only custom the layout of the interia, as in where the seats are, the hight of the hardtop etc. But the hull remains the same.
27-06-2007, 07:56 PM
Gidday Guys .
Thinking of a tabs at the moment any thoughts?
Also like sportfish boats do they have a web site?
And finally anyone got any other ideas for a plate boat around 4.8 to 5.0 for creek and abit of bluewater
thanks regards gary
27-06-2007, 08:17 PM
I class a plate boat as a boat with stringers welded to the bottoms sheets.
As with Customs built plate boats ---> You can only custom the layout of the interia, as in where the seats are, the hight of the hardtop etc. But the hull remains the same.
Hi Tim
I reckon that there is a bit more to it than stringers welded to the bottom plates. You can have more or less deadrise, heavier or lighter plate, more or less beam, in survey & the list goes on....................provided your changes are certified by a naval architect & the builder will/can do it. Of course, all this will cost heaps more.
But that is what PLATE boats are all about. You work with the builder to achieve exactly what you opposed to a mass production boat where options are very limited
27-06-2007, 08:20 PM
.lures if your near Nth QLD, PM me for a local builder who I can 100% recomend
27-06-2007, 08:28 PM
Technically materials that boats are made of determine if they are plate or sheet boats. Less than 3mm thick metals are sold as sheet and are usually pressed to give them strength. 3mm and heavier metals are marketed as plate. When we order metals it is ordered are either plate or sheet depending on thickness.
However I regard a plate boat as a non pressed hull with bottom and side thicknesses of 3mm or greater. Whether the stringers or the bulkheads are welded to the outer hull plates is a matter of design in construction.
Tunaticer that's how i see it also, same thing we order up to 3mm sheet's above that it's 4mm plate but we also call a piece of say 10mm to 40mm a sheet of plate!So really any flat metal material could be called plate/sheet or whatever you want to call it!!All ally boat's in" my opinion" all started off as a flat plate/sheet.
Cheers Dan........
Shane Dyer
27-06-2007, 10:09 PM
lures,i have recently purchased a 4.8mtr centre console (true blue plate)boat which was made on the gold coast. I drove from Coffs Harbour for a day trip to inspect this boat and fell in love at first sight. A good friend of mine who also lives in Coffs has also just purchased a 5.2 mtr plate (twin skin) centre console. These boats ride like a glass boat at half the weight.
28-06-2007, 12:00 AM
lures,i have recently purchased a 4.8mtr centre console (true blue plate)boat which was made on the gold coast. I drove from Coffs Harbour for a day trip to inspect this boat and fell in love at first sight. A good friend of mine who also lives in Coffs has also just purchased a 5.2 mtr plate (twin skin) centre console. These boats ride like a glass boat at half the weight.
G'day Shane.
Mate, very interested to see the 5.2m boat you are referring to here, as i always thought that glass boats ride better because of the weight. I would love to see how to duplicate that ride in a boat half the weight.
28-06-2007, 07:03 AM
Check Shane Dyer's avatar. The brand is clearly advertised there.
24-06-2009, 02:56 PM
I brought a Blue Water Alloy plate half cabin over 12 months ago. Top build quaility. I believe since i've had mine, Motor Marine in Townsville are selling them for NQ buyers. Once you see the quality and ride in it, you'll understand why not many other plate boat brands get remotely close.
24-06-2009, 04:54 PM
Formosa do have stringers welded to the 4mm bottom but the bottom is actually pressed just to confuse further...see attached pic of underfloor of a 520 during build
24-06-2009, 05:08 PM
may be welded to the bottom but they still arent a plate boat, good value for money tho i hear.
24-06-2009, 11:51 PM
Heres a pic of our Fisher when under consruction, it has full hieght stringers that are welded to bttm sheets and will have floor welded across top, to form a very deep and strong hull structure.
Ceers Horto
25-06-2009, 07:22 AM
Wow...looks good....wonder who designed it...? ;);)
25-06-2009, 03:54 PM
Wow...looks good....wonder who designed it...? ;);)
Just let go.
26-06-2009, 05:24 PM
the stabi craft have one full sheet for the bottom so there are no welds along the keel or the bottom of the boat at all
27-06-2009, 08:32 AM
Just let go.
absolutely...just rattling a chain for fun..shouldnt do that.. ;)
29-06-2009, 10:15 PM
Nah sick of this subject!!??
tin can marlin
30-06-2009, 08:20 AM
I think there is only a handful of true plate boats out there and you would have to put blue water at the top of that list also brands like AMM and riptide companys like formmosa and tabs are not genuine plate rigs but they are still well built boats for the money.
30-06-2009, 09:38 AM
Here's some pics of the under floor work on my Riptide.
The Frame work all tacked in ready to be welded.
Before the inner sheets are welded in to form the fully sealed air tanks.
30-06-2009, 09:57 AM
This one from Goldstar has 6 stringers and full width and height bulkheads:
01-07-2009, 07:16 AM
I think there is only a handful of true plate boats out there and you would have to put blue water at the top of that list also brands like AMM and riptide companys like formmosa and tabs are not genuine plate rigs but they are still well built boats for the money.
You must have big hands, I just came up with a list of about 40 plate boat builders with out thinking hard about it. I say there would be atleast a 100 of them across Australia, maybe more. BTW not ragging on Bluewater boats, they do build a very good boat, but what makes his boats better then everyone elses boats?
01-07-2009, 07:31 AM
Ron, Fix your Avatar, looks bit blury.........not good
01-07-2009, 05:49 PM
Tunaticer that's how i see it also, same thing we order up to 3mm sheet's above that it's 4mm plate but we also call a piece of say 10mm to 40mm a sheet of plate!So really any flat metal material could be called plate/sheet or whatever you want to call it!!All ally boat's in" my opinion" all started off as a flat plate/sheet.
Cheers Dan........
When I was doing a boilermaker apprenticeship there was 3mm "plate".
The term "Plate Boat" has seemingly become a generic for ally boats that have no or little pressing.Sure they usually have thicker materials and extra reinforcement as that's where the strength opposed to a "pressed" boat having pressings to give it strength.Bit like a piece of corrugated iron next to a piece of flat material of the same thickness and grade.
In my opinion there seems to be a certain snobbiness that's creapt into the ranks of some "plate boat" owners.
tin can marlin
01-07-2009, 09:34 PM
You must have big hands, I just came up with a list of about 40 plate boat builders with out thinking hard about it. I say there would be atleast a 100 of them across Australia, maybe more. BTW not ragging on Bluewater boats, they do build a very good boat, but what makes his boats better then everyone elses boats?
Imo they are the best out there and to make you happy i will say that i have not seen every plate boat in the world but i'am sure you have got a prefence to what you think is the best. I just think they have got a deeper deadrise that most and there built std is better than i have seen imo. Each to there own.
01-07-2009, 10:16 PM
bluewater boats:
"4.5m to 5.1 m 17 deg deadrise boat to our 5.3m to 8m 21deg deadrise hull"
yep..definitely much deeper deadrise than anyone else.
01-07-2009, 10:24 PM
Scott does custom work and has produced boats up to 24 degs I think.
There are plenty of awesome plate boats getting built now.
W.A and S.E QLD have been punching out some sexy looking boats for years. I can think of about 15 different brands that I would love to own.
The deciding factor in a market where they all seem quite good, has to come down to price and the builders customer service, reputation and flexability to think outside the square.
Viper Boats based out of Burliegh Heads ticked all of these boxes for me.
02-07-2009, 06:30 AM
Hi Everyone,
Just thought I'd throw my hat in the ring and show the famework of our Sea Jay 6.8m Plate Boat.
We use full solid 4mm Bulkheads at 400mm apart, and 5mm longitudinal Stringers with a center keel (as shown in the pictures).
It has been interesting looking at the other pictures shown as to how other Plate Boats are built. Just goes to show that there is a lot of different idea's and processes out there.
02-07-2009, 08:20 AM
Nice work swift, is that 5083 plate?
02-07-2009, 08:41 AM
Imo they are the best out there and to make you happy i will say that i have not seen every plate boat in the world but i'am sure you have got a prefence to what you think is the best. I just think they have got a deeper deadrise that most and there built std is better than i have seen imo. Each to there own.
Keep your hair on and your attitude to yourself pal. I would just like some people to quantify their comments, its not that certain products are better than others, its that certian products are a better fit to different peoples requirements. Just as you say each to their own.
02-07-2009, 08:56 AM
Hi Everyone,
Just thought I'd throw my hat in the ring and show the famework of our Sea Jay 6.8m Plate Boat.
We use full solid 4mm Bulkheads at 400mm apart, and 5mm longitudinal Stringers with a center keel (as shown in the pictures).
It has been interesting looking at the other pictures shown as to how other Plate Boats are built. Just goes to show that there is a lot of different idea's and processes out there.
Swift that is one impressive looking boat!
02-07-2009, 10:35 AM
Nice work swift, is that 5083 plate?
Hi Seatime,
Yes it made out of 5083 Alloy
02-07-2009, 02:23 PM
here is a few pics of a true plate boat....Is it mine :-/;D:P
02-07-2009, 04:31 PM
Hi Seatime,
Yes it made out of 5083 Alloy
You have done well there, there a lot of work under the floor, and personally look a lot stronger compared to some of the ones shown up here. A true credit to you boy’s putting together a solid plately.
Greg P
02-07-2009, 08:25 PM
Is that your BW's innards Daz???
02-07-2009, 08:29 PM
nice one Daz!
03-07-2009, 01:36 PM
wahoo, any more pics of your boat? who is the boat builder, sure looks good
03-07-2009, 02:44 PM
OK Wahoo, I thought the stringers should be full height to under and welded to the floor for a true plate boat. The photos show just a strengthener plate, unless I am seeing it wrong. Formosa do a similar thing.
03-07-2009, 04:34 PM
You have done well there, there a lot of work under the floor, and personally look a lot stronger compared to some of the ones shown up here. A true credit to you boy’s putting together a solid plately.
dont take this the wrong way but why do u need to make it more stronger i have never heard of a top brand plate boat splitting i know the weight would help alot but it just increases the price on your hulls as it has shown in your boat packages? just curious that is all?
04-07-2009, 11:24 AM
This side of the pond ........3/16" and thicker is Plate and under 3/16" is Tinny.
My Pacific has a 1/4 bottom [ one piece ] and the rest is 3/16" and all 5086
tin can marlin
04-07-2009, 02:06 PM
dont take this the wrong way but why do u need to make it more stronger i have never heard of a top brand plate boat splitting i know the weight would help alot but it just increases the price on your hulls as it has shown in your boat packages? just curious that is all?
Very well said you are on the money.
04-07-2009, 03:54 PM
i haven't seen one boat made out of plates at all i am really disappointed
if they did this may happen
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