23-06-2007, 07:28 PM
A question for anyone knowing the workings of fish restocking programs.
As there is a $15.45 restocking component of Qld recreational boat registration fees, I'm wondering if this is a Qld wide restocking, freshwater restocking, or how does it work? Who gets the money, is it divided between groups on application, passed out across the board , or does DPI&F spend it all?
For instance, does Moreton Bay have a restocking program? If it doesn't, should it?
Not knocking the idea, it may not even be enough spent, just wondering how it's spent, where it's spent, etc.
thanks in advance.
A question for anyone knowing the workings of fish restocking programs.
As there is a $15.45 restocking component of Qld recreational boat registration fees, I'm wondering if this is a Qld wide restocking, freshwater restocking, or how does it work? Who gets the money, is it divided between groups on application, passed out across the board , or does DPI&F spend it all?
For instance, does Moreton Bay have a restocking program? If it doesn't, should it?
Not knocking the idea, it may not even be enough spent, just wondering how it's spent, where it's spent, etc.
thanks in advance.