View Full Version : Your thoughts on Small petrol instead of leccy

23-06-2007, 04:39 PM

Mum has said no to letting me spend roughly 1200-1500 on an electric motor for my 4.6m tinny.>:(

So my next thought was to get a little (2.5-3.5) petrol motor instead.

It will mainly be used for repositioning after bad drift or wind blowing me onto the bank. I would most probably leave it idling once i started it as i would imagine that most of the little motors are quite enough and the exhaust doesn't go into the water. (correct me if I'm wrong please, I can take it:P )

After my first serious flick with plastics restarting the 60 was a pain,and not real good for it IMO.

I have a canoe that it could also be bolted to when i use it. I'm getting lazy in my old age.

thanks in advance


P.S if i get good feed back on this idea I'll be in the market for a little motor.

23-06-2007, 04:42 PM
The little taker motors that I know of, the exhaust goes in to the water.
But hell yeah i would have a petrol motor for a start, then save up for the leccy.

23-06-2007, 04:45 PM
Take Mum fishing, when she asks how you are going to get in there quietly ,hand her the oars.lol

23-06-2007, 05:32 PM
neil my mate bought a new 4hp 4-stroke honda that we were going to use for trolling spaniards last xmas - honestly my 50hp Merc 2-stroke is quieter - we were shocked by the noise output - i guess there may be a slightly bigger optimum size were a decent cowling can limit the noise

23-06-2007, 08:35 PM
Mate if u want a good outboard go for a 3.5hp 2 stroke tohatsu.
13kg and exhaust into the water.
Reasonably quiet but i wouldnt' bother leaving it idle becos they r easy to start.
PS. 2 MODELS AVAILABLE 3.5HP 'a' Foward only = $760/3.5HP 'b' Foward and neutral = $850

23-06-2007, 08:42 PM
Hey mate,
i put a 2.5 merc on my boat, it was a great motor and i picked it up for only $700 brand new. but i suggest you go the 3hp as it has neutral. in my case the 3hp was only $50 more. thats my opinion.

cheers Peter

23-06-2007, 10:32 PM
Why spend so much on a leccy get a jarvis marine water snake transom mount 55lb for around $350. Will do the job at a fraction of the price.

Cheers Chris

23-06-2007, 10:47 PM
You can put a transom electric on the bow too. Just reverse the handle, put an extension tiller grip on and make up a bracket to clamp it on the bow.

I don't really see the point of a second petrol motor just to manouver; noisy and hard to start.

24-06-2007, 07:56 AM
Why spend so much on a leccy get a jarvis marine water snake transom mount 55lb for around $350. Will do the job at a fraction of the price.

Cheers Chris

I didnt think that 55lb would push my 4.6m tinny especially in a good current.

Also from what I've read on the watersnakes they are a real hit and miss on reliability type of leccy.


24-06-2007, 10:43 AM
i have a 55lb AP bow mount on my 5.5M Galeforce and it pushs me just fine.
the boat weighs 1000Kg's
a lot more than your baby tinnie. the 55lb elecie is plenty.
the water snakes are as good as any. they are a little liter in construction and there for may not take a impact like a MinaKota or a Motoglide but if you aren't a dick with it they will work fine.
Warranty is Warranty, if it dies send it back.
Cloud 9

24-06-2007, 11:24 AM
Don't spend the money on the petrol motor if you want a trolling motor. For the same money spent pon the petrol motor you can buy a really good sized lecky that you dont have to start in a mad rush before you get moving again just twist the handle and move silently where you want to go.
My 55APRT tiller was similar prices to the petrol and the bowmount 55APRT is not much dearer.
I have a lil petrol motor for my scanoe and it doesnt get the light of day now since the minnkota appeared. I am keeping the petrol motor tho for away trips away for recharge facilities.

Keep an eye out in the classifieds or trading post or ebay for 2nd handers they are quite common. Flickflack is still running the motorguide bowmount i sold him 2 yrs ago as a second hander.


24-06-2007, 01:24 PM
I didnt think that 55lb would push my 4.6m tinny especially in a good current.

Also from what I've read on the watersnakes they are a real hit and miss on reliability type of leccy.


I have a 36lb minkota on my 4.1 Polycraft (tiller model adapted to bow mount). The poly is a heavy boat put the 36lb is plenty for manouvering and even trolling. It only cost me $370 (a few years back).

24-06-2007, 02:07 PM
Also from what I've read on the watersnakes they are a real hit and miss on reliability type of leccy.

I have also read minn kota are hit and miss on reliabiltiy. I have used a watersnake and they as good as any other leccy they are also covered by a year warranty so any dramas then send em back for a refund. 55lbs is more then enough to push a 4.6m tinny most would opt for a 44lb but for the price difference why not have a little more grunt.

Cheers Chris

24-06-2007, 03:29 PM
Hi Guys

Might be a silly question but I am not sure of the answer so could someone please explain to me or post a pic of where on your transom you mount a transom mount electric motor and what size shaft is required.
apply this situation to an aluminium boat about 4m.

Cheers Dan

24-06-2007, 06:49 PM
Hi Guys

Might be a silly question but I am not sure of the answer so could someone please explain to me or post a pic of where on your transom you mount a transom mount electric motor and what size shaft is required.
apply this situation to an aluminium boat about 4m.

Cheers Dan

If you are getting at how high the transom is on my dory i can measure it if you like.

Was thinking of putting a Aux motor bracket on if the top of the transom is too high.

24-06-2007, 07:13 PM
Hi Mate
I was not sure where the leccy mounted.

ie sqeeze it in beside the outboard some how
or sit it onthe top of the transom next to the corner bracing


25-06-2007, 09:02 AM
My intension was to sit it on top of transom between the corner brace and motor.