View Full Version : Outrigger Help Please

23-06-2007, 09:18 AM
I have a set of Reelax outriggers on the boat we just bought and I had them on yesterday making sure I know how to use them properly. This will be the first time on my own boat using outriggers, but I have used them on a charter out of Cairns once so do have some idea.

Anyway there is one bit that I am unsure of and that is a length of heavy mono that runs through a metal cylinder. I think this might be a tagline, but am unsure of how to use it.

I know how to mount the riggers and position them. I also know where to connect the shock cord to so that the system is under tension. I also understand the continuous loop and the clip and how to move the clip outboard.

Can somebody help me with the length of mono and the metal cylinder please?

23-06-2007, 07:58 PM
yep, thats a tag line...my opinion? Get rid of em. i dont like em. some people swear by them, but im not a fan at all. I hate how they sag in turns and you dont always have maximum angle on your baits and lures. I like just running my lines rubber banded through the clips like i'd say you did in cairns.

24-06-2007, 09:06 AM
I like just running my lines rubber banded through the clips like i'd say you did in cairns.
Yes that is exactly how we did it in Cairns and it was all so simple. I found some info on the Pakula website about taglines and it looks to just add more complication. Yes I do understand the reason for them, but I think this is more relevant to people chasing marlin, whereas we will be chasing Spanish Mackeral mostly.

I agree with you jeffo, I think I will get rid of them at least for now. Thanks.