View Full Version : Whats your thoughts???

21-06-2007, 10:42 AM
The time has come to upgrade,we have decieded on a walkaround and have found 2 that suit our needs, as we are in Broome WA, obviously a WA built boat would make sense, {saves a lot on frieght!!!, thus leaving more $ to spend on other goodies for it!!}
Here's what I'm not real sure off, both boats are 6.2, one has 18 degree dead rise{Gold Star} and the other 12degree dead rise{Meridian}, really prefer the Meridian as a lot of extras offered in the price, and a great looking boat . But concerned that 12 degree just is'nt enough, have a C/Console with 16 degree that handles rough water pretty good so would'nt have thought less would be any better .
The Dealer says it is a great Hull, and even though a shallow dead rise , it has a sharp entry and would suit our needs, typical salesman I think , just wants to make a sale!!!
Whats your thoughts, or opinions??, interested to hear!!!



Greg P
21-06-2007, 11:16 AM
12 degrees = pain if you are using in bay/offshore conditions but depends what you want to use the boat for - hitting the creeks and rivers it is prolly a good thing as it will mean low draft, stable and less hp - horses for courses

21-06-2007, 12:04 PM
Hi Broomey,
The sharp entry is good........................for very little. When you are on the plane, the back third of the hull is in the water. Deeper V means smoother ride. Even 18 deg is not considered ideal. The go fast hulls are up around 23-24 deg.
But all boats are a compromise. Shallow deadrise means less rolling at rest & less ponies needed to push it.
If the boat is coming from Perth, then a return airfare to sea trial one would seem to be a good investment. I would guess that the price all up is north of $65K. Pay no money until you have ridden in one, preferably on a lumpy day.

21-06-2007, 12:10 PM
Yeh, guys broome is beach launch only 90 % of the time , so deep vees and 9m tides don't really go together.
Broomey , what about genesis-craft ???
15 degree deadrise , meridian are not much chop, Havn't been in goldstars so can't comment.
I used to run a genesis craft up there , there are about 20 in broome, wonder why ????

21-06-2007, 01:28 PM
Hi Broomey,
The sharp entry is good........................for very little. When you are on the plane, the back third of the hull is in the water. Deeper V means smoother ride. Even 18 deg is not considered ideal. The go fast hulls are up around 23-24 deg.
But all boats are a compromise. Shallow deadrise means less rolling at rest & less ponies needed to push it.
If the boat is coming from Perth, then a return airfare to sea trial one would seem to be a good investment. I would guess that the price all up is north of $65K. Pay no money until you have ridden in one, preferably on a lumpy day.

Hey Peterbo, yep already have that organised, no deposit or 100% commitment till we test drive, and what your saying is exactly what we are thinking ..... Thanks

21-06-2007, 01:33 PM
Yep thats right Saurian, there are a few Genisus boats in Broome, funily enough you only see them out on calm days!!!

Are you saying that Meridian in your opinion is not that good???
Interested to hear why, is it the dead rise or other things you don't like!!
One big plus on the Gold Star is that even though it has a fully sealed Hull, Level Floation is standard

21-06-2007, 01:44 PM
Hi Broomey , chivers/meridian are just not as well finished , the hulls have a great entry but thats it. Not the sort of boat I'd be buying for the money asked.
The goldstars look allright , can't say much more never been in one.
Yeh maybe genesis only come out to play, but don't get clicky because of who owns them.
I had one and can vouch for there across the board suitability to broome and above. IE; sailfishing one day , across to yardies the next.
You planning on king sound trip in the future ????
You should get in contact with a few owners in town and go for a run , probably the best way to satisfy your questions.

21-06-2007, 01:52 PM
The original 'Saurian".
5.5m genesis xl cuddy ( 6.2m from under bowsprit to where motor bolts on)
Broomey , only had a 90 hp 4stroke, got 29 kn flat out but used 14/18 lt per hr
loaded , with a 400 lt fuel tank , lets go .......

21-06-2007, 02:18 PM
Hi Saurian, did'nt mean to put Genisus down by saying "you only see them out on calm days"I was just being a smart a##!!!

We intend putting a 175hp on the back of the new one, depending on which boat will deterimine the engine, either Honda 4 stroke or Eventrude,
And what you are saying is exactly what we intend to be doing, chasing Sailfish one day,bottom bouncing the reefs the next and King Sound is definately on the planning board.
Will try and attach a pic of the Gold Star

21-06-2007, 02:30 PM
Broomey , Resale with genesis will be higher than chivers, I like the honda idea.
Numnut at small brain world will love you too, so would steve if you got an etec.
Send us info on the goldstar , anything but a chivers....or an etec...
No offence taken to smug remarks .....I give out plenty.

21-06-2007, 03:24 PM
Hi Saurian,

Just out of interest, what is the deadrise angle on the genesis?


21-06-2007, 04:47 PM
Hey Broomey.
Just in case you haven't seen 'em.
Check out the maxi offshore.
Sorry if I'm off the mark.

21-06-2007, 05:01 PM
These boats look very similar to the Razerlines, what if anything sets them apart?

21-06-2007, 05:59 PM
Matt , mine had 15 degree deadrise, stable as , but if you took it out in 2m chop it would not be like a fisher.
Yeh , coontakinta, Wa platies all sort of look similar , though the finish and layouts plus hull shapes really differ.

21-06-2007, 06:40 PM
Thanks to Saurian and others that have repied interesting thoughts,Coontakinta, re te Razorline theory, yep look smilar , and tried to get thre Razorline dealer down to my price , but he just would'nt shift, so he lost a sale, have heard conflicting reports on the Razorline mostly good but a few bad ones, supose you hear them about every boat, but was'nt prepared to pay what he was offering.

Saurian, ha ha small brain world no Honda dealer no more, changed to Suzuki,and the new guy doing the hondas tells me he is getting suzie motors for services as other bloke has'nt got any mechanics qualified to work on suzies!!! Dave at Moby Dick got the Eventrude agency as well as Yamaha.

New bloke in town, been here afew years now got the Honda and Trailcraft Agencies, great mechanic and good to get along with, slightly pricey but does a good job, trades as Red Dirt Marine.

Well I am leaning towards Gold Star, will keep you informed what the out come is!!



21-06-2007, 07:09 PM
Red dirt marine , only been 3 yrs , is he on pembroke & lucas ?
So bazz is sales at moby dick ???( watch your missus with him)
Yeh goldstar sounds good.
Have you priced genesis ????
I know he's pricey but have you spoken to ocean pearl for the full custom ???
Ok broomey , might come back for holiday one day, Anyway it's freezing over here , yeh lots colder than there, 11 degrees max....and raining 24 hrs +.

21-06-2007, 08:26 PM
Check these out in WA:

cougarcraft - deadrise is up around 18-24 degs depending on hull size.. look them up on a search engine.

Searider - they too have a website you should find.

There have been plenty of write ups and build processes on the cougarcraft on another forum. They builder looks like he's got his head screwed on when it comes to detail, building and finish.. His name is Mark.. Price is probably similar to the rest, but you've got the option of a FULL custom build

21-06-2007, 08:35 PM
Yeh , chuss I've seen promo adds for cougar , they look the goods too.

21-06-2007, 10:16 PM
Saurian, yep thats the place , on Lucas , Pasty, cant rememeber his real name, used to be a mobile marine mechanic.
Pearl Coast, well you said it Pricey, went and saw him aboat modifyiny the centre console to a centre cab, did'nt seem real interested asked for a price and after going back twice chasing it up I gave up!!

And I stay away from Bazz, he's still dark adter I bought the Sea Jay instead of the Quintrex he quoted on.

Mates its bloody cold here too at present Broome today 23, and up to 4" of rain around over the last few days.

Yep I priced the Genisus, could'nt get them down under 72k for what I wanted, both Meridian and Gold Star dropped down to where I needed them, going to Perth soon to water test both so will make up my mind then, hope there is plenty of chop & swell around when I take them out to give me an idea how they will handle Broome conditions on a normal day!!!
