View Full Version : sandy straight Longtail

20-06-2007, 04:55 PM
Hi guys I just thought I would show off one of my Tuna caught on the combined club trip between the Sunshine coast flyrodders and the South East Queensland Flyrodders over the weekend. The Tuna were thick in places but pretty fussy ,this snodger was a single fish just cruising , but they were schooling pretty hard also I will put a full repoprt up including succesfull techniques on the club web site soon ,including pics from other members members

20-06-2007, 06:07 PM
Nice fish Chris:o ...was that an 8 wgt?

Is Borumba still on for that date???


20-06-2007, 06:36 PM
Nice fish!
Have you got a link to the site your referring to.

20-06-2007, 06:54 PM
Paul Dolan from Fraser Coast Sport Fishing Charters has been successful getting international clients onto Longtail Tuna on fly & lure around Hervey Bay & the Great Sandy Straits lately.

See the reports -

www.frasercoastsportfishing.com (http://www.frasercoastsportfishing.com)


20-06-2007, 06:58 PM
Ed , I would still be there if that was an 8 weight :zzz: , No mate it was a loomis GLX 10/11 mega my favourite rod excelent lifting power , but it still took 40 min. And Yes mate the club is still goint to hold the Toga school Borumba at the end of the month , you'll be there Mate ?

LM , the site is the Sunshine Coast Flyfishers website, it hasn't been updated for a couple of weeks but I will be putting a heap more info up in the next week , see what you reckon now but come back and check it after the weekend

20-06-2007, 09:13 PM
Nice fish mate. I went past you several times on that day, they were very fussy.
Ended up with three my self and the first one was hooked when you were just 40 meter,s away.
But here is the latest news on them today. I was the only boat out there today and the weather was very bad, but that didn't stop them, they were still hitting the bait fish like mad.
But here is good news. Two giant schools moved in from outside at 3.00pm this arvo and they had no fear of the boat. 9 hookups and only one too show for the day. 5kgs.
What I lost would have brought tears to your eyes, There were sum big bulls in the packs and two had me chasing them up and down for at least 2 hours but lost them in the end.
Guess weight, 15 to 20kgs.


21-06-2007, 09:56 AM
whats this toga school thing coming up?

21-06-2007, 01:04 PM
Hey Ben,
The Toga School is held bt the sunny coast club and we are teaching people who havn't fished for toga with fly, how to catch em, you don't need a boat but you will need the gear and we (some of the more experianced guys of the club) will hang with you and try to put you onto your first toga or three , it is on on the 30th of June and the 1st of july at lake Borumba , you can make it a day trip or you can make it a overnighter there will be some of us camping at the camp grounds. we have already had one last month and there were a few people who hadn't caught toga before get their first Toga. Between trips we disscuss at the meetings what worked what didn't and how to improve on it , its what some people need to take the fluke out of it , it helps me. everyone is welcome if your interested Ben Pm me you email, I will be letting everyone know the details via email so that we have got an idea of numbers.
Don't let anyone tell you they shut down over winter , they are actualy more visible making them a perfect sight casting target , plus the water level is right down and it awsome fishing when those fish get concentrated
any on else who is intereted in club events feel free to PM me your email to get on the clubs mail list and you will be kept up to date on club events

21-06-2007, 01:07 PM
Minno- sounds like it hasn't slowed down then I will probaly catch you up there again when the tide gets big again around the moon , wave us down and come and say hello next time.
15 - 20 kg fish !! there were some snodgers in amongst them , the one in the pic was around 15 kg

21-06-2007, 02:31 PM
Chris....sorry about the 8wgt, i got to get trout fishing out of my head;D .

Mate...my rod is a 6wgt, i think, will i get smashed by the Toga or should the rod be able to handle it. I have a floating line, that should be all right hey?

Can you have a look at my thread about the pre manufactured leader/tippet and give me your opinion?

I should be there for the whole weekend in my camper trailer, i just need to finalise a few things prior.


21-06-2007, 04:40 PM
Fly fisho. No worries mate will do. The longtail that just came in had no fear of the boat. I had them all round me and at times, I didn't know where to cast. But the big torpedo's were hanging around the edges with the 5 to 10 kgs in the middle of the school.
Nicely done on the 15kgs job. I will have to watch next time just to see how you bring them in on fly rod. It must be long battle.


21-06-2007, 06:53 PM
Ed ,
I had a look at your post and replied I hope that helps you,
I use a 5 weight at borumba and at the last club outing last month I got a 82 cm Toga in and landed , you will have no worries with a six they are not dirty fighters , but on the other hand you might get smoked by a Bass , but thats part of the fun. I only fish a floating line there for Toga and a subsurface fly .
I will outline the prefered gear when I send out the email

22-06-2007, 03:32 PM
Nice toona Chrispy! Have ya tried making a fly to imitate the quick bee yet? Reckon that might get a bit of interest off the Borumba toga's.


22-06-2007, 03:35 PM
The wheels are in motion Tim , I have been testing it out in the dam , I am going to test it out in the Ewan Maddock over the weekend -I am close

22-06-2007, 03:36 PM
Who is Toges ?

22-06-2007, 05:10 PM
chris mate, if i send you a pic of the flies ive got, would it be possible if you could let us know what ones are must haves for these boorumba togas, id tell you if i knew what they wer called or even if i brought them, i think they are wolly buggers but not really sure, anyways thanks for the pm, ill be in touch,

cheers ben

22-06-2007, 06:22 PM
Ben not a problem mate check your PM's

22-06-2007, 08:33 PM
Hey Chris. Sounds like you have been a busy boy. Have you worked out a name for your new boat yet? Don't know how you get time to run your own business. Do you ever work?? Let me know when you want to go for a fish at Macca's. Still keen.

22-06-2007, 10:13 PM
Bill I am always keen to hit Maccas I love that place . I got a canoe to pass the time while my boat gets made , so I have been hitting Ewan Maddock lately, I am not sure which ones better for surface action ? even this time of year . And you know I have a lifestyle buisness its always second too fishing err I mean the missus

25-06-2007, 08:26 PM
Yeh, you better watch what you say, or she may cut of the privileges. Whens the new boat gonna be on the water? You can always buy my old one! lol

25-06-2007, 09:24 PM
I can't beleive you have still got that your other boat I though that would have been snapped up straight away , you musn't have advertised it yet ,. Unfortunatly its a little small for my Pelagic addiction , otherwise I would still be fishing out of that Balance Hornet you got

I will have my Galeforce on Friday , I am going down to wet the boat on Friday night then straight to Borumba on Saturday , you need a floating line to come to borumba ?

26-06-2007, 08:11 PM
Have had the boat advertised on here for a week now, and on the trading post for about 3 weeks now and other sites as well. Someone will be the lucky owner of it soon. Just got to wait till that person comes along.
Will be up at Borumba on the weekend too Chris, but to prefish for an up and coming comp. Trying to crack some patterns for Bass there. Where are you guys staying, at the dam itself or the Deer Farm. Might even stay overnight myself.

26-06-2007, 08:27 PM
We will be staying at the dam Bill , your more than welcome to come and hang out