View Full Version : Mud Today

16-06-2007, 05:09 PM
Left clontarff 5am, was only boat and trailer in car park. I thought this is not good. What dont i know.
Well things ok till got out front woody, then started to chop.
Not to bad, so headed to rock wall at bris river first. About 10 boats there. Tried for about an hr then went over to mud. The weather said s/w and i was listening to nugget, but i can tell u it was blowing northly 15knt at 6.30am.
Trip over to mud pretty bumpy, metre plus swell.
Got to spot x and still real swelly. Ended up with 57cm and 47cm snapper. Few around early 30s which went back.
Got hit at least half dozen screamers, got half way in and spat it.
Popping around like a cork then heard this bang, anchor rope busted and lost anchor. GONE!!
Well time to bring in lines and head back. A normal 20 min run out took nearly an hour going home. Not dangerous just big swells.
Its funny, just sitting back at ramp at clontarff cleaning fish and looking out looked flat as.
Bloke came up and said looks a good day out there.
How deceiving it can be.
In all had lots fun, couple good fish, lots good runs.
Whats else does one want.


16-06-2007, 05:12 PM
Nice report and a couple of terrific fish in the esky. Well done!:)

Fortune favours the brave! :D

16-06-2007, 05:16 PM
sounds like you had a good day. nice catch on the snaps. its always good when theres not many boats out at mud the fish seem to bite better

16-06-2007, 05:18 PM
there was only 1 other boat, and he was out near beacon. there was 1 pulled up close to shore.
the car park was no car park today

16-06-2007, 05:23 PM
Your anchor rope must be past it's used by date?

16-06-2007, 05:28 PM
maybe it was, but only had boat for 9 months from new. how long do they last. how often u changed urs?
it was running through the bow spit. one of those stainless ones that fold down. Maybe it jumped of roller as i didnt have pin in. I really dont know. just went off with a bang. $80 later. Oh well thats fishing


16-06-2007, 06:08 PM
I like the way the forcast can be like that.......ive been caught a few times...then there is the times you dont go and it turns out almost dead calm........thats one good thing about Mud....its round...always somewhere out of the wind..::)