View Full Version : Glow Bait....

15-06-2007, 02:01 PM
While doing a termite inspection yesterday i found a little bottle of "glow bait"in some junk left at the back of a shed......the guy siad it wasnt his..must have belonged to the last tenant and said i could have it if i wanted....so i claimed it....anyone used it ?...i dont remember seeing it before...

15-06-2007, 04:42 PM
yeah juju,

Its a liquid you put on livebaits daytime or night time and it makes them glow fouro green. Ive still got a bottle of it hanging around and it does work esp with livebaits.

I dont think its a massive improvement but running glowbaited to non glowbated livies off double island point rockfishing in identical rigs and baits the captures were about 30% better on the glowbait.


15-06-2007, 08:15 PM
An old mate of mine invented the stuff.
He was an entomologist with the Tweed council. We were involved in the trialling process a fair bit before it was released.
The active ingredient is a thing called flouroscene. I've still got some in powder form. This is actually better than the diluted stuff. It stays on longer.

Yes, it does work. We used to coat our livies and strip baits, floaters etc. with it.
When I say it works, fish did not seem to be put off by it anyway.

We used to think that to a fish, it would look like a blood trail oozing from the bait when it sunk.
I still use it now when things are slow, anythings worth a try.

Cheers Jeff.