View Full Version : Moreton Island - Q's B'day

14-06-2007, 01:52 PM
Hi guys,

Nicole & I headed striaght over to the Isalnd @ 6.30 friday night after work. After the usual fun of trying to find an unused campsite in the dark, we finally settled on a prime dune site about 1km north of Camel Rock, on the eastern beach (6km's sth of Middle Rd).

We usually go hard from the moment we get there until the moment we leave, but we thought a little R'n'R was in order, so a more leisurely approach was taken in the fishing dep't.

No trips to the cape, or over to Yellow patch for Yabbies.... Just straight out the front of the camp site.

What a great weekend weather wise though, chilly as it was, with the winds being from the west for most of the weekend, it was glorious to be able to sling the bait right out to the back of the gutters.

Using worms and Pippies, 8lb mono on surf rods with alvey side casts, 6lb flouro leader with red tube and bead above #2 hook, we thought we had an all purpose rig that should be able to catch anything from bream to whiting.

Well... No whiting or bream, but how good are the dart at the moment. Same weekend last year we were lucky to catch 4-5, 20 - 30 cm dart or bream in a session, but Saturday, Sunday and Monday afternoon on the run up to High tide we were catching 20-30 dart, with 60-70% going over the 40-45 cm mark. Good fun on the lighter leader. All realeased for this time next year !!!

Unfortunately had a bad experience with our 4wd hire supplier. But thanks to a great couple driving a Maverick (sorry didn't get your names) we were back in business - Lucky that the first person we hailed down for help was a Toyota mechanic !!! no thanks to an expensive, lazy and underprepared Hire business. who I won't recommend in a decade of sundays.

But with all the mechanical dramas out of the way it was yet another great escape to Moreton.

14-06-2007, 05:08 PM
I was there as well, from Friday morning about halfway between Camel Rock and Middle Rd. I think I saw your cruiser - well, there was a hired cruiser with rhino racks on top in about the spot you mentioned. I was in a silver R50 pathfinder. I saw a few people wondering around looking for camp sites in the dark on Friday night - that can't be much fun :)
Yeah, the dart were good, and almost always there (although not always huge). I never expect bream/whiting but I would've liked a tailor or 2 - only hooked up on one tailor this trip and lost it. Was only fishing for them for maybe 1.5 to 2 hours total all trip though.
Fantastic weekend!

14-06-2007, 05:13 PM
Typical dart catch

14-06-2007, 06:46 PM
Good Dart in the suds sure do pull hard. Thats a good brace in the pic



14-06-2007, 08:22 PM
Hey Chisel,

I too saw the cruiser you talk about.

Ours didn't have any markings on it, was a white dual cab hilux tray back.

Fantastic car - 3l turbo diesal, but when we picked it up the electrics were dead, so they replaced the battery with a brancd new one. However as soon as we got to the campsite on Friday night, the car stopped dead with not even enough power to lock doors or wind up windows (was raining too). the problem was every single terminal and connectyion was so dirty etc that it wasn't getting any charge to or from battery. When we tried to Jump start it, nothing happened - sounded dead as a post. We thought it was alternator at first

As I said, it was our lucky day that the bloke we met was a mechanic and bit by bit cleaned terminals and tightened fittings etc until she was good to jump start.

that is a good bunch of fish - as I said 60-70% of the fish we caught went over 40-45cm (I have 45cm marker on the rod)

I can't figure out how to add a photo?? can you explain and I'llt some photos.

14-06-2007, 10:28 PM
The bulk of my dart were high 30s with only a few in the 40s and maybe a couple pushing 45cm. I guess you guys had a better gutter in front of your camp! Anyway, it kept me interested - searching for bigger fish.

Posting a photo - you have to have it stored on a website somewhere like picasa (I use smugmug). Then get the http...blah...blah link that takes you directly to the photo (might have to right-click and use properties or something - link should have .jpg on the end of it). Then click the "Insert Image" icon in the reply thingo (I'm using quick reply), and paste the link in. There could be easier ways!! :)

14-06-2007, 10:34 PM
Actually it looks like you can attach a photo file (the jpg stored on your computer) as well, rather than linking to a site. It needs to be reduced in size so it is less than 100kB, and looks like you need to use the Advanced post options then "Manage Attachments". Somewhere on this site there are probably good instructions for this!

14-06-2007, 10:44 PM
Hey guys, check out this link to the help section: Attaching photos.


This link will help you choose the best way to resize your pics

I'll look forward to seeing them.