View Full Version : concerned about chainstores
14-06-2007, 09:12 AM
Hi all I am an independent retailer who is very concerned about the impact the chain stores are having on not only the fishing industry but Australia wide. I read alot of comments re BCF/A Mart etc. Would like to hear what you as consumers think about where they see Australia heading. Are we going to end up another USA where we are all rely on "Wal=Mart" style stores for example. All our hardwares, sports stores, supermarkets, fuel outlets etc are nearly all taken over by the chains and now they are targeting the fishing boating and camping. Anyone with any ideas how to stop them. I have started a site to try and help local independent retailers survive. Any comments much appreciated. (
14-06-2007, 01:33 PM
As a person who works for one of those companies who is taking over everything is to have at least one amazing special each week. Usually there is one per department.
On this special there is usually around 2-5% profit margin and as some of these lines are perishable we lose money on them. However, it brings a lot of people into the shop and while they are there, they buy other things.
I think this is a good strategy to get people in to the shop.
14-06-2007, 02:19 PM
RobGoesFish, it's called a loss leader. Stores been doing it for years to get people in the store they take a hit on an item here and there to tempt people. Once in the store they bank on them buying other stuff to make their profits on.
14-06-2007, 03:59 PM
Cheers Mike, but I do think without some form of advertising its effectiveness is limited.
Dont you know bigger is better!!.............same old story no matter waht the business the big guys can afford to cut prices and put the little guy out....i think the mum and dad stores will go the way of drive ins...
14-06-2007, 10:32 PM
I think this is spam more than a real concered Taclke shop owner....
15-06-2007, 12:57 PM
Personally I find the best range and best prices for my fishing gear at the larger chain stores. They are also open for longer hours and the are in convenient locations for me. Bait is a different story!
15-06-2007, 01:37 PM
Look I like to give small business a fair go when possible, but the cost of fishing gear in Australia is astronomical. It's either buy your gear from the chain stores or on special or don't fish as much, I know which I prefer.
Now margins are tight and working conditions well don't even start me. AWA's are ( or were 12months ago) being used by one of the big fishing and camping retailers which means no penalty rates and reduced conditions for workers. This reduces overheads and squeezes out the smaller operators by having extended hours and lower costs to operate. Is this a bad thing for consumers, well I don't know perhaps. Lower prices are one thing, but expert advice and local knowledge is another debatable byproduct of death of smaller operators.
What about the increasing trend of people importing goods into Australia. I know I always consider importing a lot of my fishing gear and tackle, especially electronics. The chain stores are only just part of the reason for smaller operators being pushed out, blame the internet and most importantly blame John Howard.
Finally, lets blame the Ausfish website for being such a great information resource and influences traditional ways of seeking out fishing info. for example, going to your local tackle store and asking whats chewing on what..... lets just turn on the PC, browse Ausfish, then order our gear online or walk into larger chain stores already knowing what we want and buy it cheaper. ;D
I am blessed in Coffs with the largest Fishing Tackle Australia store, they also have an online store, it is privately owned by a bloke who is always in the store, they have a large chain next door and another one down the road. I always use the local bloke unless I need it in a hurry and it is not in stock, (they will order it in for you) great local advice on rigs/bait/fish etc. I have been useing their services for over 17years
Cheers Murf
15-06-2007, 04:28 PM
You are a lucky man Murf. I drove from byron to coffs and back just to get a rod from them. And now buy from them off the site, great prices, good advice and overnight delivery(wish i knew that before)!
And i dont work for them or have anything to do with them except purchasing. In the end i guess the majority would say if the price is right.......
15-06-2007, 04:42 PM
i personally prefer to use my local tackle store over the big boys of the industry theyare only trying to price the independants out of the market ,they dont have the personal touch of the small stores some times you pay a bit more but its usually so small it doesnt matter ,when you go to the big boys they lure you with a cheap price on one thing but you nearly always buy something else while you are there . It must be hard yard for the small guy who can never stock the variety and quantity of the little guy i dont have the answer ijust you my own moral judgement on where i spend my hard earned money ........
21-06-2007, 11:04 AM
Personally I think that without an internet presence you're somewhat limited. Having said that however one of my good friends owns a computer shop in Maitland and has NEVER advertised and yet has a good clientel. Sure people go to the chain stores for "cheaper" deals etc but his service is exemplary and his knowledge is almost encyclopedic. The people who come and see him appreciate what he tells them (maybe not always how though;)) and most importantly they tell others. Maybe you could look at starting a loyalty club or membership and talk to your suppliers about little extras that you can use as incentives as these are the sorts of things that attract the "Mum and Dad" type buyer. Local fishos will have their favourites and there may be very little you can do to sway them but at least they can make informed decisions on their own equipment. To use a quote from Blackadder "bums on seats laddy, bums on seats!" the more people you get in front of the more you'll sell and they way to do that today is probably through the internet.
22-06-2007, 11:21 AM
I personally shop at both of my local tackle shops put if the missus drags me out shopping i'll wonder into a chain store and walk out with a bunch of stuff. I know a lot of people that arnt mad fishos but dont mind throwing a line in on the occasion and they hate going to the local kind of stores as they feel intimidated. I know that the staff are there to help but some poeple are scared to admit that they're not sure so thay can walk into Big W grab some gear and walk out (after they pay that is) No questions asked.
22-06-2007, 09:14 PM
I personally found the best way to approach that tailortaker was to just admit that I don't know the difference between shit and shinola. I did this at my local in Green Hills west of Newcastle and I think the guy appreciated the honesty. Of course it helps that my business partner used to be a pro fisho so he knows that if he gives me a bum steer it will be found out rather briskly.;)
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