View Full Version : best brand of 50 lb mono

06-06-2007, 05:55 PM
gedday ausfishers!! I'm looking to spool my new shimano torium 50 and was wondering if anyone could advise on the best type of 50lb mono to use. It is rated to take 440yrds of 50lb.Any advise would be appreciated!!

Big Kev
06-06-2007, 09:14 PM
i have used and can recommend Shogun line (the clear one) its low stretch and thin diameter. lots of tackle shop guys use it exclusively

06-06-2007, 09:47 PM
i think the best mono for the job is platypus super 100. thin diameter and very nice to use.

07-06-2007, 07:35 AM
Shogun or platnium

07-06-2007, 07:44 AM
YO-ZURI hybrid flurocarbon nylon, one of the best lines i have used, you can get it in 1000yard spools for around $50-70 bucks.
worth a look.

07-06-2007, 07:46 AM
Hello SPIRO, don't forget about your tld it is back from the repair shop..........

07-06-2007, 08:13 AM
It will not really matter what brand you use, it is like the old "which outboard is best" just buy a good quality "brand name" and it will be OK. you will get a dozen people who will tell you to use brand XXX because... or only use brand YYY because... they are all good even the cheap dept store "rubbish" but it is usually quite thick and probably nowhere near it's rated breaking strain.

07-06-2007, 08:37 AM
So you bought the reel. Whats it going on?
By the way, its pisn down up here. Got to work on monday and been raining since then.

07-06-2007, 02:42 PM
Thanks to all responders. Will have a look around and check out diameters etc.. I already have 50 lb superbraid spooled on a penn o/head reel and after reading an artircal in QFM I thought would use some mono on this reel. The author of that artircal suggested some stretch isn't a bad thing in some instances eg. jigging for AJ's,fighting cobia,which I hope to do in the near future.(just gotta find some first!!!) And yes derek,I did buy the reel.Too good a price not to. I am looking at a shimano 5.6 jig stick with a a roller tip that go's on special on staurday at 50% off at the mart with the A. Got the usual "Don't you have enough rods already!??" from you know who but the gift of the gab is a gift indeed!!!

07-06-2007, 03:12 PM
anything that has a good name and that looks really thick and good quality...
Go the JINKAI for leader....never failed

07-06-2007, 03:50 PM
If the rods got a roller tip it aint no jigger!!!::) And you want braid for jigging not mono, use the mono for big and live baits for Cobia and Red Emperors etc;D

07-06-2007, 04:27 PM
Platypus platnium is good mate super 100 would also be good but unforunately only goes up to 30lb. Don't much like shogun and schnieder too thick for my liking especially in 50lb but some guys swear buy it. As long as you don't get cheap line or a no name brand you should be right.

07-06-2007, 05:52 PM
Thanks for the correction GPB. My fishing education continues!I better use the penn for jigging and keep the new rig for livies and big baits. I'm the first to admit I've got alot to learn re all things angling and sort of equate myself as a fishing virgin....Alot of enthusiasm but not alot of technique...And I don't get to fish as much as I would like to either!mmmm.....

07-06-2007, 08:32 PM
fins braid is my fav

08-06-2007, 08:17 AM
there is absolutely no reason why you cannot jig with a roller tip, been done for years and years, there might be a very slight advantage of a fixed tip, in the remote possibilty that the line COULD get caught in the roller, but pretty slim.

08-06-2007, 11:50 AM
IMO a 'remote' possibility is one possibility too many on a good fish, the higher profile on a roller tip also leaves itself open for a loop to get caught when jigging:( .

The main point is, the only Shimano 5'6" roller tip rods I'm aware of are the Backbone and T-Curve game rods, so IMO the rod Therapy was looking at wasn't a 'jig' rod.:-/

Rollers, although can be used anywhere, are designed for reducing friction heat on mono line from fast running game fish.:)

08-06-2007, 02:59 PM
Cheers NOELM. I will be buying the roller tip and if the circumstance arises wiil probably use it to jig. As I stated before, offshore fishing is something I've got to learn about but am only to willing to put in time and effort to do so. I really just love being on the water one way or another!!!

08-06-2007, 03:09 PM
Gedday again GPB. It was a backbone I was looking at but I looked at about a dozen rods that day,jig sticks included. I take your point re 1 lost fish and as I said, I can rig my penn for jigging and the new rig for live/large baits. At this rate I will just about have to fit some more rocket launchers on my boat because I generally have a floater, a bottom rig and spiiner set up for flicking slugs etc.(plus a plastics rod plus my mates rod's!!) Might go back to 60 lb hand lines and make life simple again.

08-06-2007, 05:41 PM
Hi Therapy,

Well, it's a bit like the old question isn't it? Shimano vs Daiwa, Mercury vs Yamaha, two stroke vs four stroke, all that stuff. I suppose everybody has their favourite.

For me, the best 50lb mono would be the Platypus Platinum. The only thinner stuff is Platypus Super 100, but I'm not sure if it goes up to 50lb.

Why? Don't know really. It's always been good stuff for me with no problems. It's thin diameter for its breaking strain and seems to hold together pretty good.

That's about it.


09-06-2007, 10:09 AM
In a mono Penn 10x, never let me down and copes with the abrasion that you sometimes get when fishing on reef. Doesn't get those annoying little kinks either. In a braid, I get it off ebay, just can't afford to buy it in the shops.

10-06-2007, 12:00 PM
go the tortue supercontrol. used it for years very tough line and never has one drama with it

10-06-2007, 02:08 PM
IMO a 'remote' possibility is one possibility too many on a good fish, the higher profile on a roller tip also leaves itself open for a loop to get caught when jigging:( .

The main point is, the only Shimano 5'6" roller tip rods I'm aware of are the Backbone and T-Curve game rods, so IMO the rod Therapy was looking at wasn't a 'jig' rod.:-/

Rollers, although can be used anywhere, are designed for reducing friction heat on mono line from fast running game fish.:)

Both of GPB's posts are spot on in my opinion,the last thing you want in your hand if dabling in a bit of jigging is a roller tip rod,it would be plain ugly to use.
As for mono,the Yo Zuri hybrid that Barracat mentioned is a product that is prety hard to beat.