View Full Version : squire on fly

28-05-2007, 08:26 PM
I'm thinking of making squire on fly a bit of a project this year. After week in hervey bay casing queenies and trevs on fly and a week in tassie chasing trout i have rekindled my love of the long wand and am contemplating putting down the spin gear and plastics ( not completely) and making a serious go at some pinkies on fly. I guess the point of this post is to get any input from any other fly anglers out there who have had some success. I'm going to start with a clouser on a longish leader and an intermediate line and chase them when i locate a concentration of fish which are fairly high up in the water column i.e. under feeding pelagics. I find using fast sink lines a bit tedious but will use them if the i have little success with the intermediate. Anyway i'll keep you posted. I am planning a trip this week but don't expect to get a chance as i will have company which i find to be not conducive for experimenting however you never know. I'll keep you posted! meanwhile any advice will be greatly appreciated


29-05-2007, 09:21 PM
hi mate, as i am from south aus i think the same fish we get down here are pink snapper? maybe wrong . I have been targeting them down here for a couple of years now with great success. I find that a full intermediate line to be the best choice for deapth 50 ft upwards, with a leader of about 8ft. any deaper unfotionately requires the use of full sink. Clousers that are pink i have found to be by far the most outstanding colour. also browns and orange. on the full sink more traditional deceiver type flys that are a more natrual shade. use a quick jerkey pause jerk and sink retreive. be interested how you fare.

31-05-2007, 08:28 PM
Hi Richard
How did you go and where did you fish in Tassie (I'am ex tassie)also keen to know how successful snapper (squire) are on fly theres a few in the passage at times (bribie) might give them a try myself.

01-06-2007, 04:15 PM
hi coola, i spent 4 days in tassie and fished blue peaks for 2 days and then the upper mersey at lees paddocks. Blue peaks was one of the most amazing places i have ever been and i have lived and fished in some very remote areas. I skunked in terms of fishing. I saw plenty of fish but found them very spooky. I hooked 2 and lost them both, that said, i can't wait to go back! Lees paddock was a different story, i caught plenty of small rainbows and browns on both dry and nymphs. I have fly fished for 15 or so years and until march never fish for trout and to say it was an eye opener was somewhat of an understatement. I probably could have chosen better destinations in terms of fish size and catch rate but it was the one time in my angling carreer when that Bull#$it expression "the fish are just a bonus" did actually apply. Even with the low catch rate at blue peaks i wll go back next season and who knows maybe i'll even land one of those speckled beauties from one of those beautiful, crystal clear lakes. As for the squire i'm sure they're catchable. I was going to have a go at it yesterday but the breeze was very strong and was opposed by a fairly swift current so i stuck with plastics. Later in the season when the tailor turn up i have had great success dropping plastics through schools of feeding tailor and hooking the squire underneath. They come up fairly high in the water and at times i have sighted them on the surface. I'm thinking this will be the best time to target them as i don't find the idea of dredging the depths with a fast sinking line that appealing(would rather use plastics)


07-06-2007, 09:12 PM
Hi Richard
Fished most inland waters in Tassie but never heard of blue peaks ,gessing its NW tassie, some of the better lakes to fish are the western lakes (Ada, Kay,Double lagoon etc. very hard to fish clean & clear water but rewarding.The best lakes would be Woods lake, sorell & cresent and Brumbys creek. NE Blackmans lagoon, big Waterhouse.
Best wet fly 'rat fur' (domestic rat) tied like rabbit fur fly. works a treat! I will tie some soon and try on bass. need any more info on Tassie send us a post or pm.