View Full Version : Cairns fisho to save me $15 fuel and 3 hours please

19-05-2007, 10:14 PM
Will be wetting the boat for the first time to test run on Trinity this monday ;D ;D ;D :laola:.

After 7 months of boatlessness I started getting my coordinates in order for later trips cause I am towy :) to get out there, but when my backup hard drive died a while back the bloody thing took my only correct copy of local wreck cordinates:-X I ust noticed.

I still have those crappy advertised ones that I used to find the correct coords originaly but don't want to go thru that again if I can help it!

Would anyone be kind enough to PM me the correct wgs84 coordinates for the 3 wrecks off Double Is, Palm Cove please 3km, 8km and 13km ...pretty please:) .

In the next couple months I promise to throw a couple of good fresh ones back in appreciation.

cheers fnq

21-05-2007, 08:10 PM
Gidday FNQCairns...................
Hav`nt looked 2 hard me self.... The lure of fish`n the reef always drags me away from spending time sounding 4 these structures............... 16 39 012S 145 44 254E
16 40 641S 145 42 436E
16 45 532S 145 40 709E

All taken from Bransfords guide 2 fish`n book

Read some good print on these spots.....
Cheers Al_Macka............ VHF & 27 meg EAGLE - 209

23-05-2007, 07:05 PM
Thanks Al hope to see you out there sometime, I have that book also, will jump on ozi explorer now and see where you mean.
I do have quite a learning curve ahead of me for fishing the reef - makes for a lot of fun in the road ahead.

cheers fnq