View Full Version : Reel housing movement.

18-05-2007, 05:10 PM
Picked up a Shimano Taipan 510 24kg "seconds" in a bargain bin for 15 bucks. Looked mint, but when I got it home and stuck a reel on it, I noticed that there is movement in the reel housing that tends to put the reel out of whack with the bottom eye when winding. It's usable, but: Does anyone know of a way to stop this other than to strip the butt completely down and re-glue it? How do you get the bottom of the butt off (gimbal fitting) other than with brute force?



18-05-2007, 05:43 PM
do you mean the actual reel seat is moving?? if so you can some times break the grip away from where it joins the reel seat, get some 24 hour araldite & squeeze it around & down under the reel seat, keep rod vertical so that glue runs down. you can try thinning with metho enough to make it runny, the metho will evaporate,& putting in a large syringe to make it a bit easier..

do both ends

18-05-2007, 05:49 PM

Sorry to tell you this mate but because blanks are tapered the only way you can reglue the winch mount is to strip everything forward of it towards the end runner then rebind all of your runners back on etc etc.

Only way i know of to get the gimble off is with a hacksaw and cut each side them plier off, you could try a heat gun but the tapered blank issue will kill this angle of it too.

However on my 2nd beer i have just had an idea, why don't you drill a small hole in the winchmount under where the reel will sit to get into the cavity between the rod and the blank, mix up some glue (suggest 24 hr araldite) and inject as much as you can in there with a syringe. I reckon a hole no bigger than 3-4 mm would do the job. If you hit the packing tape they use to pack the reel off the blank re drill a hole say 30 mmfurther up or down the winch mount.



18-05-2007, 06:18 PM
If it is the reel seat thats moving kev, do as Gilligan said, carefully drill a couple of holes in the reel seat and then, mix up some 24hour araldite. Fill a large syringe with the araldite and pump it into the holes, line up the reel seat and leave for 24 hours.

That should fix it

18-05-2007, 10:18 PM
If it is the reel seat thats moving kev, do as Gilligan said, carefully drill a couple of holes in the reel seat and then, mix up some 24hour araldite. Fill a large syringe with the araldite and pump it into the holes, line up the reel seat and leave for 24 hours.

That should fix it

thanks Heath

Further to this kingtin had another thought

I have a rod that does this as well but the winchmount doesn't move, its a TLD 25 on a short stroker rod with aluminium winch mount. Fixed it by using the factory clamp that are sold with the reel, soon stopped it floating around on the mount.

Maybe buy a reel to suit if this is the problem, just watch out the minister for finance doesn't give you one of those looks you talked about in the "kiling fish " post.

adois i am bac to the beer now


18-05-2007, 10:50 PM
Thanks for the responses everyone.

It's definitely the reel seat moving and not the reel in the seat. I can move the reel seat a few mills just by twisting it when the reel ain't on it. I shall have a play tomorrow and let you know how it goes.

Enjoy your beers, zig ;D


19-05-2007, 08:13 AM
Kev. The above info is spot on and I have fixed rods this way. Make sure the epoxy is warm rather than trying to thin it with with metho or solvent. You can usually get a fair bit into the gaps. Straight epoxy resin will work fine and is much thinner


19-05-2007, 04:11 PM
OK, this is what I did.

I drilled two 3.5mm holes in the reel seat opposite each other ie one where the reel sits, and the other on the other side of the reel seat/blank opposite. Into these I dripped (no syringe needed) 3 drops of 5 minute araldite A and then B. I turned the rod butt down and gave a few taps, waited a few seconds and then repeated the process. This I kept doing until the araldite was leaking out of the holes. I then stuck a piece of small wire into the holes and gave it a jiggle to mix the resin and fixer...........high tec eh? ;D As the 5 minute araldite is very thin anyways, I reckoned they may well mix simply by gravity.

I then sat with the rod wedged horizontal across my knee and with the back of a knife blade, I pushed the upper butt grip above the reel seat, away from the reel seat whilst at the same time, squeezing super glue between the gap. My little feller rotated the rod so that I was doing this all the way round the grip emptying a full tube of glue in there. I then repeated the process with the lower grip under the reel seat.

I have waited 6 hrs and put the reel on, wobbled it, and there is no movement http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_11_60.gif

Thanks for the tips fellers


19-05-2007, 10:25 PM
if you hunt around in hardware stores, you can find araldite in syringes, and the epoxy and the setter go through the same hole and automatically mix

20-05-2007, 03:55 PM

24hrs later I gave the reel a right good heave to the left and right........absolutely no movement at all...............I have a new rod ;D

The 5 minute araldite is fluid enough to be dripped direct from the tube without the need for a syringe and seems to have found it's way (via gravity) around the reel seat, as does the hardener.


21-05-2007, 09:32 AM
Glad to hear it all worked out well Kingtin. Now go give it the ultimate test.......double it over on a nice big monster of the deep.

Did enjoy the beers thanks but i think the fumes off your glue gave me a headache ot Sat.;D ;D

