View Full Version : Tuskies And Parrot?

Is Don Is GOOD
17-05-2007, 02:30 PM
Could any one give me any pointers as to getting a few tuskies or parrot around peel or surrounds? Keen to give em a go but wouldnt know where to start. Any info would be greatly appreciated! :)

Cheers Donnan.

17-05-2007, 05:19 PM
I copuld tell ya a good spot there for em Don, but then i'd have to dump you in the bay with concrete slippers....LOL...:)

17-05-2007, 05:40 PM
crabs and daylight they sleep at night if i say more............................cheers alex

18-05-2007, 07:40 AM
I find Tuskies around Peel can't resist a large lump of peeled prawn . Best action is when the tide slows on the edge of any of the drop off ledges.

Is Don Is GOOD
21-05-2007, 07:26 AM
Thanks for all the info fellas, will work it out from there! Will get a post up and let yas know how i go!

Cheers, Donnan.