View Full Version : Ausfish sigs

15-05-2007, 11:15 AM
hello members, im les fraser im a site admin and moderator on www.fevergfx.com (http://www.fevergfx.com) i specialise in making artwork for communitys. I made a sig for a fello member of ausfish Snapperm8, though the image was a .GIF formate and it said .GIF format are not avaliable. I was wondering why this is so? Now i know .GIF formats take minor resorces from the site but surly it wouldent make it any slower than the .GIF image you currently use.

On another note I have seen not alot of members use signitures as they not really to familar on how to use, But i would like to make a templete so everyone will be able to use it. Ill post a templete tommoro. If allowed i would be happy to make signitures for the community they can just post there requiremets and ill make it.

thanks les.

15-05-2007, 01:38 PM
You can use gif format in signatures.

Are you using .GIF or .gif as the extension?