14-05-2007, 02:52 AM
Am returning back to Aus in less than two weeks settling in Bundaberg and im chomping at the bit to delve into some saltwater fly fishing. So have been arming myself with some knowledge, went out a bought the 3rd volume of lefty crehs saltwater flyfishing techniques. A good read and im only half way through. Will be keen to work on my fly casting then hit the estuary for some flathead and whiting fishing on fly. I only have a 7 weight at the moment so I think smaller is better to start with. And to amp myself up i thought id watch some videos off youtube.
Heres one of many;D
Just thought those keen saltwater fly anglers would appreciate some of the videos on youtube. This ones from the cape.
Heres one of many;D
Just thought those keen saltwater fly anglers would appreciate some of the videos on youtube. This ones from the cape.