View Full Version : shimano vs daiwa
top ender
03-05-2007, 03:09 PM
the great debate whats your favourite what model how many years has it lasted .my favourite is my new chronarch (shimano) although my old curado hasnt ever failed me. im just wondering what a majority of people use outhere. i love my shimanos but daiwa look preety good.
Mr Rowdy
03-05-2007, 06:48 PM
love shimano reels and diawa rods, go the heartland!
03-05-2007, 06:52 PM
Favourite reel...Shimano Tyrnos....Oldest and most bullet proof reel...Penn Senators...Cheers Mick
03-05-2007, 07:21 PM
Favourite reel...Penn Slammer 260 on a Rapala 7ft graphite rod. Oldest reel...can't remember, but I've liked most of em.
04-05-2007, 01:04 PM
dont have a favourite but as quality over time goes shimano are great i personally dont know what diawa is like but all you have to do is look at the tss4 and be re-assured shimano make great reels
04-05-2007, 01:27 PM
I am sort of thinking Shimano will win this thing, just because they have "out marketed" most all other brands, not because they are better (because I do not think they are!) but they are much more "popular"
top ender
04-05-2007, 05:03 PM
im more thinking baitcaters as i can see daiwa making an uprise in that area
im more thinking baitcaters as i can see daiwa making an uprise in that area
:thumbup: Gotta agree here ..... for many many years I've always bought Shimano bait casters / overheads ... without too many complaints ....... But I just recently bought a Daiwa Zillion ...... Now this reel looks like a Shimano killer in the salt water BC category !:happy: .... Line capacity is good (130M of 20lb braid & 6 kgs of drag!) .. Very good cast control ! ..... Craps over my Chronach SF! ! .... Nagg
PS .... Daiwa have the best spinning reels ... HANDS DOWN:2thumbsup:
04-05-2007, 06:33 PM
daiwa all the way
Skimano and penns for me in spinning reels, abu baitcasters...penn overheads...ugly stick rods
04-05-2007, 07:46 PM
Daiwa all day, every day,no brainer, hands down winner.........
04-05-2007, 08:23 PM
hell yer i love daiwa. i have a certate,luvias and tierra and love em all.
i sold my stardics to make way for more of them!
but i still would use shimano say if i were going for mackeral or tuna with a tld 25 because of how cheap they are.
or a baitrunner for snapper but other form that it is esactly what marty+jojo said!
i used to be a shimano man all the way but after using a daiwa sol for a day in an abt comp form my boater i was quickley converted!
top ender
04-05-2007, 09:29 PM
so what are the top of the range daiwas called? i got a chronarch bsv so whats on par with that?
04-05-2007, 09:43 PM
reading through the responses got me thinking exactly what do i have out there hanging off the wall,,,, to tally,,, 9 shimano's,,, 7 ugly sticks,,, 2 home made rods that are well into there early 20 yrs of age,,,, and an old thing that has no name,,, most of the reels are over 10 yrs old,,,, most of the sticks as well,,,
i spose its like asking ""ford or holden in a way,,,
but if you maintain and keep good care of em,,, most of the ""quality"" brands are reliable,,, i just like shimano
top ender
05-05-2007, 03:39 PM
alot of people are saying daiwa why is this do u have a reason that u think daiwa, or is it because thats all u use?
05-05-2007, 04:04 PM
Big Kings have moved into Sydney Harbour this year like never before .It's really showed up the weakness in reels like Big 6500 Baitrunners and Stradics etc .It's cost me heaps but now I own a 4000 Diawa Certate HD ,and a Saltiga EXP 6500 wish I had had them at the start of this year ......I've lost so many massive Kings.Now I have a fighting chance.:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
05-05-2007, 07:51 PM
As far as shimano goes the old triton game reels seem to be the only reels that can handle a bit of punishment in the shimano range the rest are rubbish i've owned most at one time or another and blown the guts out of every single one.
If i had to choose i'd lean towards dawai which i use a fair bit as they only implode twice a year instead of four times a year like that shimano rubbish but if you want something that can handle aussie fish and weather a bit longer i'd advise you look at accurate reels they seem very good so far but the only reel that lasts the test of time is the good old alvey you can run them over with car and they still don't miss a beat although there about as user frendly as a lion with rabies running around seaworld.
Kingfisher, what crap are you spinning ?, you are comparing general fishing shimano $200 and $250 reels against top end Daiwa Certate $650 and Saltiga EXP$1250 reels, you should be comparing between Stella 4000 [$740] and a Stella 20000 [$980].
It wouldn't have cost you heaps if you had used the top end Daiwa or Shimano reels in the first place.::)
shimano shimano shimano. daiwa doesnt even get close for mine. isnt daiwa abit of a cheaper alternative? with shimano u get wat u pay for... only the best
05-05-2007, 08:06 PM
well like i said i used to be a shimano man but have gone to daiwa because of the fetures.
eg digi gear, cross wrap and a few other fetures.
i have also found them to be alot smoother and longer lasting smoothness then shimano.
i hardy ever get any tangles using daiwa reels than wat i had with my stradics.
i think they also have a better drag system in them from fighting a few jacks.
also about a mate of mine who fishes for snapper has a cerate 2500 and he went fishing with a guy who had a sustain 4000 and the drag on the sustain could not go tight enough to handle the 7kg snapper they were hooking.
i have converted a few mates into daiwa reels after having aspires and stella's.
all i can say to all you shimao users is
buy a daiwa for your next reel. you will like what you feel!
05-05-2007, 08:20 PM
Kingfisher, what crap are you spinning ?, you are comparing general fishing shimano $200 and $250 reels against top end Daiwa Certate $650 and Saltiga EXP$1250 reels, you should be comparing between Stella 4000 [$740] and a Stella 20000 [$980].
It wouldn't have cost you heaps if you had used the top end Daiwa or Shimano reels in the first place.::)
ummmmmmmm,,, well i'm speechless here,,,
couldn't have placed it better,,,
its like going fish'n for whiting and saying my tld has never missed a beat
but seriously,,, as posted above,,, this thread can run for ages,,, its all about affordability,,, and maintenance,,, just like cars/dishwashers/tv's/wives,,
you keep and maintain what you can afford
i'm off to visit paris,,, poor darl'n
My mate that fishers with me [so I know 1st hand] jigs up 12kg Ambos on his lite jig rig Sustain 6000 using 6kg of drag.
I have a Daiwa Emblem Pro 5500 which I am happy with, and have happily owned a few Daiwas over 40 years of fishing, but my preference these days is Shimano of which I have many, from Tiagra's, TLD's, TSS4's, Stella's, Twinpowers and many more, but I could not compare a Twinpower or Sustain with a Certate as they are in different classes [Certate twice the price], as are Stellas and Aspires.
So you Daiwa fans be happy with what you've got but compare apples with apples.;D
Choppa, was that 'visit' Paris [Hilton] in jail.:o ;D
05-05-2007, 09:25 PM
Choppa, was that 'visit' Paris [Hilton] in jail.:o ;D
after all these years,,,,someone has grasped one of the hidden messages;D;D;D
whats the bet they'll make another reality show outta it:-X:-X:-X
05-05-2007, 11:27 PM
I've had a fair bit of experience with both,Mainly in the small baitcasting type reels.Both low profile and the barrel styles.
I've found that if (Maintained and used within their recommended limits),They all last well,And will perform consistantly.
I too reckon if ya gonna compare reels,They should be of roughly the same specs eg :- Cronarch to the Alphas...Steez to the Calais DC...And the Conquest to the Daiwas' CVZ series.Etc,etc.
A place you might like to visit is ( They have regular shootouts between reels of similar ratings among other things.I think you'll find some of the answers ya looking for here.
I choose my reels on engineering/Internal design...Performance over aesthetics.
I cannot place enough emphasis on maintainance though.Look after ya tackle,And it'll look after you...No matter which manufacturer you choose.
I personally fish Daiwa.
06-05-2007, 04:49 PM
i gotta go shimano tld series my 20 went in the drink attatched to my 7' live fibre off the tangalooma jetty.
i gave it up for dead was retrived 3 weeks latter, got put into a bucket of fresh water for 3 days scraped the barnacles off changed line and used it .
still going to this day without another service .
been upgraded but is still the loaner rod for thoes that come out without one.
i dont know of ne others that have ever done that, none of mine ne way
06-05-2007, 05:13 PM
Top ender.
Go to the Daiwa site and have a look at the Zillion, way better than any chronarch....
06-05-2007, 06:03 PM
well if you want to compair reels then.
who would rather a certate over a aspire? i would!
or a luvias over a twin power.
i love my daiwa spin reels but like i said i would still go a shimano tld or baitrunner or tss4 for there price.
lets face it both brands are top reels and they both have there advantages.
myself i keep both brands but i really do love my daiwa!
top ender
06-05-2007, 08:43 PM
do u own a zillion? i dont hink u can compare reels unless u have used them both . i dont care what anyone ses but thats the only way u can truly compare instead of going of what other people say or what magazines say.
06-05-2007, 09:07 PM
Had no experience with shimano reels but am very impressed with the performance of my Daiwa Emcast 4000, Fuego 3000 and Luguna 2000. All great spinning reels.
Steve B
06-05-2007, 09:31 PM
I have had all shimano reels from stradics and chronarchs for bass, calcutta 200, 400, for barra calcutta 700 for reef, TSS 4 for spinning pelagics.
I checked out that "tackle tour" website HardB8 suggested looking for a top line baitcaster for impoundment barra specifically. Thanks for that tip HardB8.
I checked out zillionaires, callais, chronachs etc and even the new curado 300dsv/.
I ended up buying the ABU REVO STX low profile (their top of the range baitcaster) 24 LB of drag!!!!!! thats 4 x all the others!! And very light (unlike the curaddo300)
Put it to the test at monduran and stopped a metre barra in heavy timber with ease!! I still had more drag available if required. casts 50lb braid like a dream, (I beleive it casts better than my chronarch with 20lb braid). At about $260 at most tackle shops I was even more impressed.
Guess I still am a big shimano fan. I ve used a few mates Diawas too and they are classy. BUT I cant rate the REVO STX highly enough IMO.
cheers Steve
07-05-2007, 01:15 PM
hhhmmm I had a good look at my gear and found that I had in small spin reels predominately Shimano, in heavier I have Penn Spinfishers, in baitcatser (both small and larger) I have only ABU, in over heads I have a couple of TLD25's and all the game reels are now Internationals, now to put this into perspective, I have owned and used extensively at some time or another Big Shimano Spin reels and Tiagra's, and even an ABU game reel, and a couple of Diawa Spin reels and baitcasters, and most of what I had is either "passed onto" my son or sold off because it was not being used as much as the other stuff, now before anyone says a Tiagra is 10 times better than any Penn International or whatever, this is what I have found on my own personal gear, and does not mean someone else is wrong or right for using what THEY like, and in no way is it meant to deride any brand or choice, so no this V that war please!
alot of people are saying daiwa why is this do u have a reason that u think daiwa, or is it because thats all u use?
Personally I'm not a Holden or Ford man .... & the same goes for fishing reels ..! At this point of time .. I've found that Daiwa make the best spinning reels (by far) & that Daiwa are also catching up (& now exceeding) Shimano ... for baitcasters! .... Larger overheads Shimano still rule!... Nagg
shimano shimano shimano. daiwa doesnt even get close for mine. isnt daiwa abit of a cheaper alternative? with shimano u get wat u pay for... only the best
:argue: rhys... Are you for (reel) real ...:-/ I dont know if you have ever used a mid to high end Daiwa reel before ... but let me clarify a couple of things for you .... having used & owned 2 Shimano stellas before (at great cost) ... My 2 (3000 & 1500 )Certates crap over them & they are normally 20-30% cheaper! .... Infact wouldn't rate a stella much better than a Luvias! (half the price)
Now .. I've always been a shimano BC owner .... but have just recently purchased a Daiwa Zillion .... This reel out of the box seems the goods! while my Shimano Chronarch 100SF needed work on a stuttering drag ..... Furthermore the Zillion is more comparable in performance to the Calcuttas (but with more benefits... of a low profile baitcaster!) ... Nagg
07-05-2007, 07:25 PM
I use daiwa, i have a CVX253 millionaire on my 665 loomis barra rod, a team daiwa hsd low profile on a daiwa bc, a caldia kix4000 on a loomis 783sp and a crossfire 2500i on a daiwa procaster and a 1500 regal on my dropshot bream rod.
Dont know much about shimano but have seen a few let go before and cannot fault my daiwas yet but i do take good care of my stuff as well.
top ender
08-05-2007, 05:38 PM
i thinks thats it with any reel .alot of people complain about daiwa/shimano but if u dont maintain it any reel will turn shiit
what and were the 'few' Shimano reels you've seen let go ?, so I can keep an eye on my 26 Shimano reels in case it happens to me, especially as 5 of them are 1980's models and I haven't experienced a reel letting go before::) ;D .
top ender
09-05-2007, 08:15 PM
well said cammo .then again if u buy shiit $100 shimanos or daiwas then ofcourse there guna "let go" .
u get what u pay for wether it shimano or daiwa
shimano myself but daiwa is starting to get near the quality of shimano bait casters
just some fuel to the fire
09-05-2007, 09:19 PM
Let's fuel it right up.........Who vs Daiwa?;D ;D ;D .
top ender
09-05-2007, 09:40 PM
u no shimano the ones who basicly brought baitcaters on the map the same ones which are world renownd for there superior performance.
ar all coming back now?
if not its the company that has dominated fishing since we all started using lures not just in australia but world.
ahh im just waiting for all the daiwa fans too reply to this one.
top ender
09-05-2007, 09:42 PM
this is fun
09-05-2007, 10:49 PM
Here we go Top Ender,
Ahhh,Ya right,It is coming back.....Shimano.....Shimano.....That's right,They were the mob making push bike parts while Daiwa were refining their skills on the already established Millionaire series...Yes...Shimano...I remember now.:D
On a more seroius note.
It's good to see Shitmano include a reel for the casting challenged angler,With the addition of the Calais D.C. to their line up.:)
Ya know what D.C. stands for don't ya? Dumb C%&#,Anyone can use em.;)
All right,All jokes aside.
If ya need a (Computer to cast for ya),It's best you do go with the Shitmano....As Diawa like to cater for (Real anglers)...The fisherman with talent!;D ;D ;D
i have always used both, & if you look completely across the range I really don't see much difference. i just comes down to brand preference. I have always had a preference for daiwa.:)
my personal opinion is that shimano has had a better promotional department, getting/paying high profile talking to heads use & promote their product. The interesting thing i have noticed in the last 12 months or more is on chat boards, where the daiwa reels a starting to get a strong following of fishers, yet i don't notice a change in high profile promotion...maybe people are stopping being sheep, trying & deciding for themselves that daiwa makes pretty good gear after all & not being affected by promotion..:P
10-05-2007, 12:25 PM
Topender talks of $100 S..T Shimanos and Daiwas letting go. Well if the reel is used for its intended purpose and used correctly and maintained it shouldnt let go!! wear out maybe! These guys that use Cheaply made reels and go out and put heavy braid on them and then up the drags are just asking for trouble!!
Id like to know how far up the price chain b4 you seee Daiwas and Shimanos more so in eggbeaters start using decent gears i.e. stainless and bronze and not alloy??!
10-05-2007, 01:10 PM
Shimano for sure.
Daiwa is the poor mans shimano.... hehe
10-05-2007, 01:59 PM
daiwa are twice the reel that shimano are!
roydsy have you ever used a daiwa reel?
shimano dont last half as long as what daiwa do.
also if daiwa is the poor mans shimano what would you say about a saltist or steez.
stella are nothing compared to these reels. even a certate is better then these and its $200 less! hahahaha
10-05-2007, 02:25 PM
go get 'em hardb8!! nearly all the fisho's i know who work in tackle shops choose daiwa over well i started at abu...then went shimano...but finally got what i wanted from daiwa...i may consider a shimano if daiwa doesn't offer anything eg big baitrunner but otherwise no contest.....
10-05-2007, 03:05 PM
And what about the Daiwa Saltiga series, some of them spinning reels are over $1000 a pop. So yeah, i wouldnt call them a poor mans keeper.
I love both brands, im soon to get a Daiwa 3000 Sol and a Shimano 4500B BR.
top ender
10-05-2007, 07:17 PM
ok ok il be the bigger man...
daiwa are good but shimano are better and deep down we all no it.
its like saying volvos are god but ferraris are better.
10-05-2007, 07:32 PM
Hardb8, I can say from experience most of shimanos' bicycle parts ain't much chop either.... best parts are from technology they bought from another company!
Back on topic, I use both shimano and daiwa! Got a symetre cause it has ARB bearing and high speed retreive for casting small slugs around for pelagics and a laguna for all my smaller lures work. Saying all that, I reckon I would have bought daiwa if they offered a higher retrieve speed reel! Baitcasters I started with daiwa, jumped then settled with two daiwas, though that might change in the future though!... if only daiwa made a 50 sized reel.....
What turley means is "thank god for Shimano".;D
What Johno means is "Saltegas [$1230] are dearer than Stellas [$980] even before you upgrade the drag".:o
10-05-2007, 08:06 PM
daiwa all the way have shimano also but recent gear last 2-3 years daiwa seems to be leading the way with new powerful gear. havent had a dramma with any of my diawa gear yet or the shimano but the feel of daiwas stuff is great. my oldest is a penn 330 gti handed down to me by my dad its caught some great fish in its time from jew in the nt to cobia off the pinn.
top ender
11-05-2007, 03:59 PM
good to here about your penn mate.
12-05-2007, 09:18 PM
interesting read, having both Daiwa and Shimano, i prefer Alveys ;D
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