View Full Version : A good night on the Coomera.

28-04-2007, 01:04 AM
We hit the water at 3pm and netted some live bait ,
chucked sp and hard body lures for a bit we cot a cod 33cm doh .:)

went up the river on sun down and back to the bait we had our first fish in the esky about ten mins we ended up throwing fish back after we got a feed
also we got 6mud crabs But only 1 buck made the Esky (my netting skills suck:'(
I would post a photo but i havn't worked out how to reduce them yet lol.:-/

28-04-2007, 07:51 AM
great stuff got 2 cod up there the other day one went35 and 41 cm , would love to see some picys when you can.cheers bdowdy

28-04-2007, 08:09 AM
heres the 41cmsum