View Full Version : Double uni knott?????

26-04-2007, 11:10 AM
i useally use the albright knott to tie my braid to leader and have never had a problem with it, until now,i am losing alot of slugs casting,breaking at the knott and have lost some good fish to the same problem, i found the albright knott easy and fast and effective to do untill now. i have been told the double uni knott is quick and easy and very effective to tie braid to leader but i cant find an animation of one anywhere,any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.i have looked in the hints and tips section in the animated knotts part and no double uni knott there.
cheers all.
if anyone knows of any other good knotts to tie main line to leader that doesnt require 5 arms and 20 fingers that would great aswell.
thanks .

26-04-2007, 11:47 AM
Hey Geoff - The following has a good step-by-step guide for the dbl uni:

The bimini double with a bristol is supposed to be one of the strongest...

26-04-2007, 01:46 PM
the Uni knot is (I think) the best knot to know, it can be used to tie on hooks/swivels, to join line of equal or differing diametres, almost anything (you can even tie on your anchor with it, and it is as strong as most anything else!

26-04-2007, 02:13 PM
try a spider hitch with a yucatan knot..nice & easy..
read somewhere that the IGFA says a yucatan with an albright gave the strongest knot..
have been using it for a while now with no problems.

the uni is still the most versatile knot around & i use it for everything else.

26-04-2007, 02:22 PM

I'm with Frank. I now use a bimini to a Bristol (no-name, deckies, ducknose etc)knot. I used to use the Tony Jones Leader knot to a bimini, but have had one slip on heavier leader (80lb) It is easier to get it properly snugged up on leader 40lb and less. The Bristol is easier to tie than the TJLK and is probably less likely to slip. Though I have heard that it does sometimes slip, especially with flurocarbon. So to be doubly sure I finish it off with a Rizutto finish (the finish that wilson uses for the bimini) and for good measure I either use superglue on the tag end or tie a granny in it to stop it slipping through. Bit of a missionI know - but I hate it when I lose a good fish to mediocre knots. FWIW


EDIT: PS - just went down to the shed and tied a bimini in 30lb braid and did a 15 turn Bristol with a rizzuto on 6kg flurocarbon. The surgeons knot that i used to tie the end of the line to the vice broke at a little over 5kgs slowly applied constant pressure, which is about 80% - so the Bristol is better than that. I don't think the double uni is any better than 80%, though i didn't test it.

26-04-2007, 03:09 PM
thanks very much for the help guys will be sitting down tonight and trying them all ,

One Day
26-04-2007, 06:48 PM
Tony N,
I also use the bimini to the Tony Jones leader knot and had it slip once also. I'm interested in having a look at the Bristol knot. Could you point me in any direction as to how to tie it. I haven't seen it before.

One Day

26-04-2007, 08:59 PM

Its just a matter of googling. Try


I measured the Bristol using a better anchor knot to the vice. It went 5.5kg - thats over 90% line strength retention which is pretty good. The double uni went at about 5kg

I still believe that the rizzuto finish is a valuable insurance against slippage

27-04-2007, 01:47 AM
I loop my bristol no less than 10 times. 13 -15 times with light flurocarbon.

27-04-2007, 01:51 AM
I wind my bristol no less than 10 times. With lighter stuff 13-15 times.
I;m not sure what the rizzuto finish is but there are a few ways to stop the leader slipping with flurocarbon. You shouldn't need to use this with anything heavier than 15lb as 13 winds will be enough. I've never had one slip while fishing.


27-04-2007, 02:00 AM
hi people are these knots suitable for lighter stuff or is an improved albright sufficient, as i had a bust off today that went above the leader knot for the first time.


27-04-2007, 05:12 AM
hi people are these knots suitable for lighter stuff or is an improved albright sufficient, as i had a bust off today that went above the leader knot for the first time.


It is always possible to break line at places other than the knots depending on the quality of the line or whether it has picked up any damage while fishing.

I only go searching for another knot if the one I am using is consistently underperforming. Otherwise if you are comfortable with what you are using then stay with that. Sometimes a knot break is just down to sloppy tying.

27-04-2007, 08:04 AM
Why use anything less than the Bimini and bristol combo? Bimini is simply the best ever knot you can tie for braid and the bristol also comes close to 100% strength.

everything else is just sub standard IMO. (The only drawback is learning how to tie a quick bimini:)

check this article out: Makes you realise how fragile braid is when a short and sharp force is applied to it. aka getting hit buy a big fish

Bimini test (http://www.westernangler.com.au/default.asp?action=article&ID=87)

If your using light line on smaller fish another good option is a spider hitch + bristol. its a tad faster to tie than a Bimini, but only really works on 30lb line or less

27-04-2007, 09:10 AM
Why use anything less than the Bimini and bristol combo? Bimini is simply the best ever knot you can tie for braid and the bristol also comes close to 100% strength.

everything else is just sub standard IMO. (The only drawback is learning how to tie a quick bimini:)

check this article out: Makes you realise how fragile braid is when a short and sharp force is applied to it. aka getting hit buy a big fish

Bimini test (http://www.westernangler.com.au/default.asp?action=article&ID=87)

If your using light line on smaller fish another good option is a spider hitch + bristol. its a tad faster to tie than a Bimini, but only really works on 30lb line or less

i read the link. found it interesting that the tests were first put on a small foreign language board, by an Australian. why wouldn't he put them on an aussie board or send to a magazine???

& who wants to sit around tying biminis in the middle of a hot bite??

27-04-2007, 02:51 PM
The tests were done by Neil Griffith from Jones's Tackle Brisbane, the have been on a few Aussie boards over the last few years like the Western angler etc.

27-04-2007, 03:09 PM
The tests were done by Neil Griffith from Jones's Tackle Brisbane, the have been on a few Aussie boards over the last few years like the Western angler etc.

i am not knocking the fella...from the western angler link..still curious why it would go on a spanish speaking board first...

There are an endless number of ‘what-ifs’ that can be raised here, and many of them have already been raised at www.caranx.net/forums (http://www.caranx.net/forums), which is where Griffiths first put this information out to the wider world.

27-04-2007, 03:57 PM
The fella from WA is Hal Harvey, principal of Blue Water tackle, and i think the article was first posted in 2005.

27-04-2007, 04:51 PM
i read the link. found it interesting that the tests were first put on a small foreign language board, by an Australian. why wouldn't he put them on an aussie board or send to a magazine???

& who wants to sit around tying biminis in the middle of a hot bite??

I can now tie a Bimini in less than 1 minute. not hard when you have a bit of practice

27-04-2007, 04:58 PM
The Bristol is almost identical to the braid/leader knot. The only difference is that with the braid/leader knot is that yo do not run it through the loop at the start. I did comparrison tests between them both a while ago, and I found that the braid/leader knot was a bit better and certainly easier to tie as all you do is straight overhand wraps, and then bend teh leader back and through the loop. Ever tried to wind thick leader around braid? doesn't work for me.

The othere thing is I use to do 8 wraps, but found it difficult to lock the knot. I went the other way, and only do 6 wraps and it is way better and does not slip, and is easier to lock. I think Jeoff Willson recommends 6 wraps as well. Is a case of more is not better.

As for the time it takes to do a bimini, mine take about 60 seconds max from start to finish. I do a very small loop and only use my hand (ie no feet). Makes it way easier. All you need to then do is open your hand to give the tension when running the back wrap. 3 half hitches around one leg, and your done.

I use to do double uni's. 5 wraps mono and 10 wraps on the braid. But if you learn the above knots, you would not go back.


01-05-2007, 01:09 AM

May find it interesting

01-05-2007, 05:48 PM
The double uni is my knot of choice for just about everything.

To tie my 50lb braid to my 60lb Penn 10X leader I use the double Uni, but..BUT, I double the Braid. that is double over the braid before starting the knot, double the amount of turns you'd normally use on mono and double through the loop.

This knot has amazing strength and will not slip when completed this way. OK, it may not be the smallest diameter knot around, but will easily pass through a 8mm tip ( guide ). I use this to tie off the deep water ( 300gm ) jigs, no worries. having said all that, I do have a 5mtr leader on my braid.

I use a spider hitch for casting slugs, as I only slip the loop through eye of the slug and can upsize/ downsize in a flash as the fish bite dictates. The spider hitch is in mono.

Cheers Phill

Mr Rowdy
03-05-2007, 07:02 PM
I have been using the double uni for years and at first it would take me ages and much frustation but after much practice and varied locations I can tie it in a snow storm without fail. briad to flouro carbon but not true braid it is much harder use fireline is the easiest to use
