View Full Version : Mooloolabah close in

deathstar 3
20-04-2007, 05:13 PM
I have gotten some general marks for this area off fishnets database but some when we get there are just flat sea bed.

I also have some marks for the kneerings and I think it is Murphys and these seem to be ok.

Are there anyother close in reefs in the vicinity?

If there is could you please let me know along with a general gps mark.

I will explore and find my spot x's.

I would just like to expore some other area's besides the above mentioned ones.

Feel free to pm me if you like.

Thanks john.

deathstar 3
20-04-2007, 05:21 PM
Am heading out tonight about 10, so any help before then would be apprciated.


20-04-2007, 05:49 PM
I've just beeen going to the outer gneerings and sounding the general area till I find something holding fish. Worked ok so far.

mangrove rat
20-04-2007, 06:42 PM
g'day buddy,
i'd head out towards blinker, its a few km out, basically east of lighthouse, cant miss it as it 'blinks'!!from there id head north east a hundred metres of so and just sound around it, its wat we do and we go alright
cheers, can do

deathstar 3
20-04-2007, 09:08 PM
Cheers gunna and mangrove rat
