View Full Version : Tailor fishos read on.....

17-04-2007, 01:27 PM

Now that this summer rubbish has finished, we can get back to standing on a deserted beach in the middle of the night being so cold that the snot forms icicles and every wave seeking to drench you - Bring it on !! :D

I am looking at trying to rig up a stinger hook to mount in the gut of piilies in an attempt to snare any bream/tarwhine that may happen to grab a bite as they have a habit of doing. Got as far as a length of 7strand 40lb wire attached to the eye of the top hook in the gang and a #1 baitholder on the other end of about 10cm of wire. Pretty stiff and I'm a bit worried it might interfere with the attachment of the line with the top eye being a bit full and also tangling in the gang itself.

Anyone who has dabbled in this b4 got any suggestions?


17-04-2007, 02:02 PM
I have used a smaller stinger attached to hook number 2. if you pince the barb you should be able to get a hook on and then have it coming out the bottom or side..

By the way it hasnt worked for me, as i find the big bream sit below the tailor when there chopping picking up the scraps. Got some massive bream while the other boys were on the tailor in the same gutter.. (Always found fresh mullet fillet the best bait for the big bream while the tailor are on)

Cant wait for the season to start.. got the waders out and the surf champion greased and ready



17-04-2007, 04:00 PM
I am plannig to go camping this weekend on one of the beaches nearby (Brisbane). And was thinking of just going after a few Whiting/Bream off the beach. But I wonder if there is any chance of getting any tailor??

Would it be worth having a go or do you guys think it is too early yet??

17-04-2007, 04:23 PM

Now that this summer rubbish has finished, we can get back to standing on a deserted beach in the middle of the night being so cold that the snot forms icicles and every wave seeking to drench you - Bring it on !! :D

Oh yeah!!!! My favourite form of fishing and no pussy waders either, just a pair of shorts and a tracky top. (Do you know how heavy waders get when a wave fills them up?) I can't wait
Cheers Freeeedom
Cheers Freeeedom

17-04-2007, 04:58 PM
Yes Im looking forward to the season to, I have my 4b and surf rods ready this time.
Hows North Bribie go for tailor?

Cheers, Mick.

17-04-2007, 05:31 PM
Hi guys,

there was an article (think it was in Feb Qld Fishing - if not feb Bush & beach) about how to tie stinger hooks to soft plastic rigs - they were using small treble hooks as the stinger.

Using heavy braid or a light wire, you could tie off in the eye of your second hook in the gang.

Well worth a look !


17-04-2007, 08:12 PM
"just a pair of shorts and a tracky top"

Yup that's my surf wear of choice as well, although I did wear my waders for the first time ever in December last year to try and keep the sun off my legs during the day after being burned the first arvo.

An additional swinging hook especially a treble is not something I would be keen on. Between an angry yellow eyed devil watching and waiting for a finger to get too close and a X3 gang there is enough to watch out for imo. My suggestion would be, if you are using larger, then dropping to a gang of 3/0's might pick up a little more bycatch for you.

17-04-2007, 08:13 PM
Yep, bring on the tailor season!! I know you can catch them all year round and Slider has shown that some of the best are caught even earlier than now, but I'm looking forward to winter on a deserted beach with a pilly in the suds just waiting for that 4kg greenback!! :-)
I'm off to Straddy for a few days this weekend but I'll be concentrating on the dart/bream for this trip.

18-04-2007, 08:02 AM
Oh yeah!!!! My favourite form of fishing and no pussy waders either, just a pair of shorts and a tracky top. (Do you know how heavy waders get when a wave fills them up?) I can't wait
Cheers Freeeedom
Cheers Freeeedom

On a Nth NSW beach in the middle of winter at 5am in shorts... hahaah id like to see that

18-04-2007, 01:04 PM
On a Nth NSW beach in the middle of winter at 5am in shorts... hahaah id like to see that

Then be around Iluka in late June - early July because that's when you'll see it. I'll be down that way on my annual visit
Cheers Freeeedom

18-04-2007, 08:43 PM
To all you non-princess types who replied, many thanks.

Truck, so what if you don't catch one, beats being at work doesn't it ? Let us know how you go eh?

Quinney II, will give it a look.

Dan, it does make sense so might have to switch between the two. Fresh mullet or salted?

Seamus BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

19-04-2007, 08:43 AM
I may see you down there freedom, we hit the nth coast around the Second State of Origin.. but a little bit more nth.

Seamus, fresh is best if you can get it. We get it from a seafood wholesaler while down there, its gun bait while the tailor are on, its hard to put the tailor gear while there going but it works.

I will try and get some photos up of the bream we get, the best so far was 2.4kg



19-04-2007, 09:13 AM
Ive been using the waders for a couple of seasons now and wouldnt be caught without them in the surf in winter at night.You can fish for that much longer and in comfort.Theres also a pouch on the chest for my durries.

19-04-2007, 06:21 PM
Yes looking forward to going to straddie, fraser and D.I for the Big dart and Tailor. Does any1 use braid in the surf??? i was thinken of spooling my reel that i use to throw slugs with in the surf or else i will stick with the platypus platunium line.

20-04-2007, 09:59 AM
Spent easter down at HH and caught a few nice specimens off the beach and rocks. Not bigguns, but a healthy run of 3-4 pounders. All caught on spinners (Phil's Slugs) and gar. The gar is far superior to pillies imo.

Was my new reels first workout, a Daiwa Emcast 6000, loaded w/ 30lb braid. Couldn't be happier. Casts a mile, and with the braid, there is none of this, " gee, was that a bite" nonsense. Neerly had the lot ripped from my grasp once or twice. Gee they fight hard out of the surf.

Best fish hooked was about 7lb, but spat the slug halfway up the rockface. Good fun. Can't wait till they REALLY come on.


p.s. I love my waders