View Full Version : Mud Today Mixed BAG !!

16-04-2007, 05:54 PM
Hit the water at 5 this morning and was out at mud shortly after......fished with squid and talk about a mixed catch !!....2 catfish, 2 squire, 1 tailor,1 small spotty mac,1 flounder, 1nice whiting, 2 grinners, a pearch, 2 grassies,a snook, something a couldnt work out what it was, a to finish off a crab.....also dragged up several nice lumps of rock and weed........one thing but i dont reckon the bay could get any calmer than it was today.....

16-04-2007, 07:29 PM
thanks rub it in i went to go yesterday blue a dog off a chain early so went winter whiting fishing instead, well done

16-04-2007, 07:56 PM
don't mean to hijack the thread guys but where is the best place to fish for Whiting these days we drifted across the banks north of peel island and got hammered by grinners