View Full Version : Another experiment

15-04-2007, 06:35 PM
Gidday all,

Just another experiment to see how it's done.
A bit rough but I think I know what to do next time :-/

Gees I'm going to have to learn how to do the rest of the bloody rod soon.
Then I might get a rod finished :D
Come on RB M&G ;D

17-04-2007, 12:30 PM
scott, now thats trick, well done mate what kind of timber did you use and how /what do you plan to coat it in

17-04-2007, 01:58 PM
Ian, the main bit is technically called 'buggered if I know' (it come out a renovation here) and the rings and fancy dodads are aussie red cedar.
It's been in some linseed oil then I'll use a waterproof burnishing oil.
Is the bit on the end a better shape?? ::)
It's fairly rough but it's only an experiment. ;D