View Full Version : Breakaway sinker when bottom bashing

15-04-2007, 12:44 PM
hey guys

I was just wondering what rigs people use to ensure that thre rig breaks at the hook when you get tangled up with the reef. I know people use a lighter trace and/or half hitch above the dropper but what do people use when use a running ball/bean sinker rather than a paternoster rig. The set-up i will be running is 50lb braid onto a 80lb trace connected by a loop-loop connection. As you can see breaking it the rig is going to be tough but want to make sure that it breaks at the hook or other wise i will be losing my wind-on trace or worse pop the braid everytime i get snagged up on the bottom. I usually use a palomar knot to tie on the hook but was thinking of going to a weaker knot like an improved clinch to make sure it breaks at the hook when i get hooked up on the reef Thoughts/suggestions would be aprreciated



15-04-2007, 05:36 PM
Can't help you with the hook breakaway bit Francis - personally I would be making that knot the strongest I could get and go for a weaker point somewhere in the mono if you are worried about hooking up the bottom . I reckon the chances of a bean / ball on the mainline snagging up is minimal - more likely the hook end will catch . A rig I use with good result in stronger current to get the bait still floating is a running sinker clip down to a swivel with a short bit of thin mono tying the sinker to the clip which can easily break away if snagged . I use snapper leads of various sizes .


15-04-2007, 06:03 PM
you could always run 50lb braid to a 80lb leader put the loop in the 80lb and use a 40lb trace to the hook.
or use an albright to tie the 80lb to the braid than use a ring or swivel to attach a lighter trace.
other than that use a dropper rig.

15-04-2007, 06:43 PM
Hey Krazyfish

Yeah mate that might be an idea have a swivel onto a 40lb trace that way if something is going to break it will be that and 40lb should be enough to handle reefies teeth im sure. I usually just have a sinker straight on the hook on my mainline but that was when i fished with mono so now that i have changed to braid ive had to change my rig was just worried about losing my 3m trace everytime i hooked up on the bottom. Thanks for the help


15-04-2007, 07:08 PM
A deep water technique that works is to use a long paternoster rig but use very light mono for the sinker dropper & use old bolts instead of lead:o .... works well! .... NAGG

15-04-2007, 09:27 PM
use a bit of chain as the sinker few jigs and out it comes tangled in reef every time. you dont want to now how many tons of lead i used before someone showed me this another is one foot long bits of rod works pretty good two.