View Full Version : Ol Mate

04-04-2007, 09:52 PM
One thing about living on a creek is that you get to know the fish personally. I've reported on this site before how I've come to recognise individual eastern cod by keeping their mug shots and giving them nick names based on markings observed in their mottled patterns.

Mate was visiting for the first time the other day so I guided him down to the creek to harrass a few bass - he came up trumps with a beauty on his light rig, followed by a nice eastern cod a 100 m upstream ol 'Triple O' who I hadn't come across since November 2004 - he'd only grown about six centimeters in that time - suggesting you've got to work for a feed if your a cod in these small upper catchment streams (slow growth rates) - something that needs to be rembered if this species ever recovers enough to becomes a ligitimate rec target again.

Suffice to say mate from the city was happy about his introduction to the local fish!

Regards - Jim

04-04-2007, 10:39 PM
Hi Jim,
Your backyard is cool.....Was he called triple 0 from the three prominant 0's above the pectoral fin?

05-04-2007, 09:24 AM
Yep pretty obvious isn't it! I now 'know' 19 individual cod in my neck of the woods - some I've only caught once others more than 6 times over 4 years.

Regards - Jim

06-04-2007, 06:18 PM
nice eastern jim, you are one lucky bloke. cheers bdowdy