View Full Version : jacks on rapalas

30-03-2007, 08:43 PM
Went to spot x tuesday nite 4 a quick flick for those red demons, started of with trusty prawn star got a couple of bumps but no hook ups:'( so i changed over to a rapala i had bought on the weekend,after a few casts i decided to pack up my gear and head of had a lucky last flick BANG zzzzzzzzz i was on nothing big but it was still a jack 31cm (1st pic).:)

Got up early thurs day morn and meet up with fellow fisho Shin25 at another 1 of our little spots we spent 1hr or 2 thowing everthing we own in the water, no hits:'( ,running late 4 work at this time,something started 2 hit the surface had rapala on at the time,quick flick BANGzzzzzzzzzzzzz on again same thing small jack 33cm:)

Oe good thing about the morning was that little jack puts me 1 in FRONT:D :D of shin25:-[ :-[ 4 the season.

30-03-2007, 09:20 PM
Good work mate...Those x raps are great lures.


31-03-2007, 07:45 AM
well done Bobby,

your certainly doing well on the demons mate,

hey how do you find the suspending lures like xraps, i know im a bit scared of using things like that from the bank as they wont float back up after hitting a snag. have you lost many lures??

31-03-2007, 09:05 AM
nice stuff bobby, i have an Xrap very similar colour to yours, very weary on using it as the cost an arm and a leg, might have to grow some balls and give it ago.

31-03-2007, 10:31 AM
nice stuff bobby, i have an Xrap very similar colour to yours, very weary on using it as the cost an arm and a leg, might have to grow some balls and give it ago.

What's the point of spending that much then Geoff. Suck it up mate and start throwing it. Otherwise it is a waste of money. :-[
I'd also suggest picking up a tackleback. For around $10, they'll earn their money back in one retrieval. Saved me plenty already. ;)
Great Jacks Bobby, even that small they go hard.


31-03-2007, 03:11 PM
hey guys jack fishing is a very expensive hobby, it doesnt matter if u r flicking $1 plastics or $4 berklys $17 rapalas $20 smiths u r bound to get smoked every no and then and lose gear thats jack fishn. If u dont try these lures why buy them the x rap has been on fire 4 me latly picked up 3 GTs this morn on the same lure give them ago!!!!

31-03-2007, 06:34 PM
yeah yeah nice fish ill still take quallity over quantity thanks lol ;) ;D ;D

Richie you had much luck using tacklebacks land based (or anyone)

31-03-2007, 07:00 PM
The Shad - raps (12gr) in goldfish colour are also dynamite, give them a try if you can find a shop with any in stock!!!

01-04-2007, 08:02 PM
hey guys jack fishing is a very expensive hobby, it doesnt matter if u r flicking $1 plastics or $4 berklys $17 rapalas $20 smiths u r bound to get smoked every no and then and lose gear thats jack fishn. If u dont try these lures why buy them the x rap has been on fire 4 me latly picked up 3 GTs this morn on the same lure give them ago!!!!

Not Wrong lost maybe 10-12 hard bodies this year.

Say a few choice words, smash rod into water in time with choice words, wait a week and sit back and laugh at how stupid you are for thowing $20 lures with light gear. Makes the red bastards so much better when you put them on the deck.

The funny thing is i release all the red bastards to get bigger and do it all again to me next year. ::)

01-04-2007, 10:57 PM
Rapala has always produced quality lures,It seems they are still continuing to produce the goods.Ive used the larger version and caught some large big eye trevalley on them.