View Full Version : Southern bay thurs

wags on the water
30-03-2007, 09:57 AM
Top morning on the water. I haven't had a chance to fish this part of the bay before so just boating today, as no fish were caught otherwise it would be fishing.
Ninja - Great to catch up with you and thanks for the tips.Hopefully these hints and tips will lead to more exciting times on the water.
Searchingthebay - David finally nice to catch up with you.Might look at the trailer mods next week. Hoping the wind dies down for a fish mon or tues.






30-03-2007, 02:24 PM
Ill be in that. Might try out that spot x. I didn't get out last night. damn wind wouldn't go away

30-03-2007, 03:47 PM
I was actually talking to a guy that just got back to Raby boat ramp when i was there last night . He was fishing outside and got 80Kg of fish so there are out there. Well maybe a little way out but still there